Catherine Vos was the wife of great theologian and exegete, Dr. Geerhardus Vos (q.v.) of Princeton Theological Seminary, and an author in her own right. After looking through bookstore after bookstore for a book which would present the excitement and warmth of the stories found in the Bible, when she came up empty, she made it a life-long project to write one herself. The Child’s Story Bible was the result (published by the Trust in three volumes).
Catherine Frances Smith, born in Illinois in 1865 and raised as a Congregationalist, had married Geerhardus Vos in 1894 at Grand Rapids, Michigan, just two years after he had become the first professor of Biblical Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. Vos and his new bride settled at number 52, Mercer Street, on the campus of the Seminary, in a spacious house provided for Seminary professors. They were married for 43 years and produced a family of three sons and one daughter. One of the sons was J. G. Vos who studied at his father’s alma mater, Princeton Seminary, and became a Reformed Presbyterian minister.
Catherine Vos died of pneumonia in September 1937, and was buried near the Vos summer home in Roaring Branch, Pennsylvania, where her husband Geerhardus would join her some twelve years later.