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The links to all the 2017 UK Banner Ministers’ Conference live stream videos and recorded addresses will be listed here during the conference. Go here to find live videos Go here to find all videos from the conference   Conference Schedule Red text shows Eastern Standard Time Monday, 24th April 5.15pm (12:45pm) – Opening Sermon […]

Category Announcements
Date April 24, 2017

At the end of May, men will be gathering for the US Banner Ministers’ Conference, to enjoy a time of worship, prayer and fellowship. This year we will be studying the conference theme of The Living and Enduring Word. Have a look at the videos below to learn about what the speakers will be discussing. […]

Category Announcements
Date February 28, 2017

Take advantage of this one week special listed below! Books on Sale ‘Hodge gives an excellent, general statement of the Reformed Faith, yet Dabney adds something beyond the general treatment of most subjects. When his method of teaching is recalled, of sending his students to the standard texts on theology (including Hodge), and then adding his […]

Category Announcements
Date October 9, 2016

The Banner publishes a number of small booklets that focus specifically on life issues and important questions. These booklets are designed to be read quickly, given away to friends or inquirers, and used to stock church bookstalls. You will find that they are relevant for readers today and can help facilitate edifying discussion. This week, […]

Category Announcements
Date September 14, 2016

Watch pastor Rhett Dodson explain why he wrote his book, Every Promise of Your Word, and how he believes it can help you see Christ in the book of Joshua.

Category Announcements
Date August 3, 2016

At a recent US Banner Ministers’ Conference we sat down with Dr. Ian Hamilton to ask him about one of his favorite Banner books, and why Christians should consider reading it for themselves. Short Version: Long Version: Only available as an eBook in North America.

Category Announcements
Date July 21, 2016

At the 2016 Shepherd’s Conference, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, and John MacArthur discussed books that have left a lasting impact on their lives and ministries. They pointed out two Banner titles that we have decided to put on sale, through May 12th. Watch the two short videos below to learn why these men speak so […]

Category Announcements
Date May 5, 2016

Watch Hensworth Jonas, Ligon Duncan, and Ian Hamilton explain why they come to the US Banner Ministers’ Conference, and learn how the conference can refresh your soul, unite you with other brothers in the ministry and enable you to better serve your congregation.

Category Announcements
Date April 27, 2016

Those who love the writings of Jonathan Edwards will be pleased to know that Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, assisted by the Jonathan Edwards Center, has completed a high‐resolution scan of the entire Edwards Collections at both Yale University and Andover Newton Theological School. Go to to view and use the scans. […]

Category Announcements
Date March 1, 2016

The MLJ Trust has announced that all 1,600 recorded sermons by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones are available to download, at no cost, to anyone who wants to listen to them. There are no exceptions, so the Ephesians sermons, Romans sermons, etc., will all be available. All one has to do is join the MLJ Library (membership […]

Category Announcements
Date December 7, 2015

Note: the Cyber Monday 2015 sale is now over, but there are still great deals available on Banner books through the end of the year. The Banner is running a 48-hour sale to help you pick up some excellent Christian books this Christmas season. In addition to our ongoing Christmas Sale, we have come up […]

Category Announcements
Date November 30, 2015

Speaking about the book A Way to Pray, Ligon Duncan says it is ‘an invaluable asset to a pastor’. Watch the short video below (4 minutes) to learn why he believes that.

Category Announcements
Date October 14, 2015

Conflict and Triumph was first published in 1874. With a pastor’s heart, the author, William Henry Green, opens up the meaning of the Book of Job. He explains the structure of the book, the role played by each of the participants, the significance of their speeches and the bearing of each part on the overall […]

Category Announcements
Date September 1, 2015

This is the final week of the Banner mini-documentary release. These short documentaries (about 5-6 minutes each) are designed to inform you, or to remind you, about the work of the Banner of Truth Trust. Is there more to the Banner than books? What makes a Banner conference unique? What is the Banner Bookfund? Watch […]

Category Announcements
Date May 7, 2015

This is week two of three, where we have been unveiling three short mini-documentaries (about 5-6 minutes long each) to inform you, or to remind you, about the work of the Banner of Truth Trust. What makes a Banner book? How does preaching encourage reading? Watch the video below to find the answer to these […]

Category Announcements
Date April 30, 2015

Over the next three weeks we will be unveiling three short mini-documentaries (about 5-6 minutes long each) to inform you, or to remind you, about the work of the Banner of Truth Trust. How did the work of the Banner begin? Who were its founders? What exactly is a ‘Trust’? Watch the video below to […]

Category Announcements
Date April 24, 2015

‘What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.’ – A.W. Tozer Cinematic Trailer What is ‘Behold Your God’? Are we sure that the God we serve is the God described in Scripture? Is rethinking Him biblically really necessary? How do we do it? How would it […]

Category Announcements
Date April 7, 2015

The Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically study begins by assembling your church, small group or family to watch the session titled Introduction: Welcome to Behold Your God. Workbooks are handed out at that time and each participant in the study is expected to work through the first five days from home over the course […]

Category Announcements
Date April 7, 2015

Cinematic Trailer When Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave a series of lectures on the subject of preaching in 1969, he coined a term that became an emblematic description of his own ministry. “What is preaching?”, he asked. “Logic on fire!” But what does it mean and how does it manifest itself in preaching? Logic on Fire: […]

Category Announcements
Date April 6, 2015

Banner trustee Ian Hamilton talks about the Banner ministers’ conferences, and tells us of the oasis of encouragement and spiritual food that ministers of the gospel need and find at the conference. We hope you will consider joining us this year. Register for the US conference here or learn more about joining us in Elizabethtown, PA, […]

Category Announcements
Date March 26, 2015

At a point in history when the church in the West is finding herself for the first time in 1,500 years to be marginal or often unwelcome, clear thinking on the nature and purpose of the church is vital. Join us in Philadelphia on April 22nd for an evening conference to hear the great wisdom and […]

Category Announcements
Date March 24, 2015

John Calvin preached 200 sermons on Deuteronomy. They have been dropped down the memory hole. Calvinist seminary professors have never heard of them, let alone read them. Until today, they had an excuse. Not any longer. In 1583, a translation of them appeared in English. This was ignored, then forgotten. Over four centuries later (1987), […]

Category Announcements
Date March 2, 2015

Have you ever read Jonathan Edwards for yourself? Maybe you have read about him, or heard about him in a sermon, but have never delved into his writings. Or perhaps you are well acquainted with the writings of Edwards, but it has been a while since you last read one of his books. Whatever your […]

Category Announcements
Date February 10, 2015

We sat down with Banner trustee Tom Richwine to ask him why he thinks young men and women should seriously consider attending this year’s UK Youth Conference.

Category Announcements
Date February 4, 2015

The Banner sat down with Dr. Steven Lawson to ask him if he had to recommend one Banner book for Christians to read, which would it be?

Category Announcements
Date November 18, 2014