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John Hurrion was born in Suffolk, circa 1675, in a period when those who had stood apart from the Church of England after the Act of Uniformity of 1662 were undergoing persecution. Almost the only knowledge we have of his youth is this statement: ‘In his younger years, he was brought to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.’1 […]

Category Articles
Date August 25, 2017

I attended the funeral service of Erroll Hulse, which took place 18 days after his death, in Cuckfield on Monday 21 August. Cuckfield was the place that, for me, Erroll put on the map. The fulsome, written tributes to him from Tom Nettles (USA) and Conrad Mbewe (Zambia) that I enjoyed reading immensely, and the […]

Category Announcements
Date August 24, 2017

William Tyndale is remembered as a Bible translator and martyr: a key player in a sequence that led to the King James Bible. In fact, as the compilers of this attractive little work show, there was far more to Tyndale than Bible translation- vital as that was. Indeed it is argued that William Tyndale’s work […]

Category Book Reviews
Date August 23, 2017

Today (Monday 21st August), the remains of Erroll Hulse, a dear friend and elder statesman in the Reformed faith, will be interred in Cuckfield, England. My mind is, therefore, very much in that part of the world as the sun comes up here in the heart of Africa. I wish I could be there to […]

Category Articles
Date August 21, 2017

One sometimes meets Christians who use scriptural words and thoughts with no more feeling than if they were licking stamps. They seem to belong to a religious world whose citizens live always north of the Arctic circle of emotion. Their spiritual affections are buried beneath yards of ice and snow. When they venture to talk about […]

Category Articles
Date August 18, 2017

John Calvin’s sermons are very different to his commentaries, they are also as helpful as the day they were delivered. There are 47 expositions of Genesis 11:5-9 to Genesis 20:4-7, in this latest book, published for the first time in the English language. Those who already have Professor McGregor’s first volume, Genesis 1-11, will want […]

Category Book Reviews
Date August 16, 2017

‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, so that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them.’ , Revelation 14:13 I wrote on this very important and comforting issue a few weeks ago. I wish now, however, to take it one step further. […]

Category Articles
Date August 14, 2017

The members of First Church (not the real name of the church) consistently made false accusations against one another. They would regularly throw verbal mud at one another. At times, they would even form alliances and fight against one another. Some of their claims were silly. One elder accused a teenager of rebelliously going to […]

Category Articles
Date August 11, 2017

On August 4th,  the family informed us of the passing of Pastor Erroll Hulse in the Wetherby Manor Nursing Home. He had been cared for there recently, after suffering a stroke three and a half years ago. Erroll was born in South Africa in 1931 and graduated in Architecture at Praetoria University. He was converted under […]

Category Announcements
Date August 10, 2017

Rhett Dodson talks about one of his favorite Puritan Paperbacks: The Christian’s Great Interest, by William Guthrie. Watch as Rhett talks about how helpful he has found this little book to be in his own life and ministry.

Category Announcements
Date August 9, 2017

On my bed night after night I sought him whom my soul loves; I sought him but did not find him. , Song of Solomon 3:1 David Brainerd was born in Haddam, Connecticut in April, 1718 and regularly attended the local Congregational Church, as almost everyone did in Eighteenth century New England. However when he was […]

Category Articles
Date August 8, 2017

Europeans should not forget their most pressing moral issue: abortion. , Lord Nicholas Windsor At the close of the last century, as the reckoning was drawn up in Europe for the actions and reactions of the twentieth century, could we not have been forgiven for tending a little toward the view that we had, after […]

Category Articles
Date August 7, 2017

Some of us who are advanced in years can lay claim to  remembering life in a God-centred church and, to a certain extent, in a God-centred nation. The influence of  three centuries of the Shorter Catechism being memorized in the home, the church and the school had left its mark. The opening question: ‘What is […]

Category Articles
Date August 4, 2017

‘. . . I am under compulsion; for woe is me if I do not preach the gospel.’ , 1 Corinthians 9:16 Even a cursory reading of the Acts of the Apostles clearly shows the zeal the Apostle Paul had for preaching the gospel. The man was relentless. He went far, fast, and furious with the […]

Category Articles
Date August 2, 2017

Our dear friends and supporters of our ministry in this Northern Siberian city of Nizhnivartovsk, After six years of slow and painstaking labour, because we had to do most of the work ourselves, we completed our wooden church in 2014. We came here in 1991 on the first evangelistic mission to Siberia within living memory, […]

Category Articles
Date July 31, 2017

‘. . .teaching you publicly and from house to house’ , Acts 20.20 I know what many church pundits are saying, ‘Intentional, “drive by” evangelism does not work any more. People are too secular for this kind of thing. What we need to do is to develop relationships with people by joining a local workout […]

Category Articles, Resources
Date July 28, 2017

‘I have continued to this day to give away perhaps more copies of [this] little book, than any other. It has been monumental in my personal life, in my ministry, in my preaching…’– DECHERD STEVENS Few better guides have existed in this or any other area of spiritual experience than Thomas Watson. He was a master of both […]

Category Articles
Date July 27, 2017

Let me introduce a contemporary church situation in England, and go back a time (a few hundred years in fact) to give it its origin, a contrast, and a perspective. I must take you back to William Bridge who is about as anonymous a Puritan preacher as you can find. Bare facts are the following, that […]

Category Articles
Date July 26, 2017

“. . . the spirits of the righteous made perfect.” -Hebrews 12:24 Now My dear friend, if you are a Christian, one truly born again by the work of the Holy Spirit, then our gracious God has brought you from death unto life, from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of His beloved Son, […]

Category Articles
Date July 24, 2017

Muriel Ruth Cook, for 50 years a member of the church at Nottingham, and formerly for 6 years at Watford, passed away to her eternal rest on September 23rd, 2016, aged 96. The following is culled from her writings, left for the family, sermon/diary notes and letters. *     *     * Muriel […]

Category Articles
Date July 21, 2017

“Should it be according to thy mind?” (Job 34. 33) This is the second half of a sermon preached by John E. Hazelton at Streatley Hall, London, on August 1st. 1909. The occasion of this wonderful discourse was the death of his only son. The first section may be found here. Secondly, the proper reply […]

Category Articles
Date July 19, 2017

“Should it be according to thy mind?” (Job 34. 33) This is the first half of a sermon preached by John E. Hazelton at Streatley Hall, London, on August 1st. 1909. The occasion of this wonderful discourse was the death of his only son. The whole verse reads: “Should it be according to thy mind? […]

Category Articles
Date July 17, 2017

It is with great regret that we must announce the passing of John Cheeseman (1950-2017) who was called home to his Saviour earlier this year. John, an admirer of the Puritans and a Banner author (Saving Grace and The Priority of Preaching), went to be with the Lord on 15 April 2017. Whilst studying Classics […]

Category Announcements
Date July 14, 2017

‘Why do you go to church twice on a Sunday? Isn’t once enough?’ In many churches the Sunday evening service is disappearing. There are two main reasons for this. First, demands from employers have increased enormously over the last 30 years. Weekends have become precious. Two Sunday services are seen as taking up too much […]

Category Articles
Date July 14, 2017

Requests for prayer; we hear them over and over again. As we read the New Testament Scriptures (and especially the letters of Paul), as we come week by week to Prayer Meeting, as day by day we use our missionary prayer guides. Christians asking fellow Christians to pray for them. Why do we make such […]

Category Articles
Date July 12, 2017