If I can talk you into believing the gospel, then there is someone else who is able to talk you out of believing the gospel of Christ. But if God convinces you, then it is, in fact, a reality which cannot be taken away from you. So, what is the gospel according to the Bible? […]
ReadGeoff Thomas completed his ministry of over fifty years recently in Alfred Place Baptist Church (Independent) in Aberystwyth, and this was one of his final sermons. 2 Timothy 4:6-8 ‘For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, I […]
ReadAt a recent US Banner Ministers’ Conference we sat down with Dr. Ian Hamilton to ask him about one of his favorite Banner books, and why Christians should consider reading it for themselves. Short Version: Long Version: Only available as an eBook in North America.
ReadWhile our ignorance of Lamentations is to be lamented, it has to be admitted that there are reasons for our failure to get to know the book better. Though it is a book of poetry, closely related in style and theme to the Bible’s Wisdom Literature, it is found among the Major Prophets, and easy […]
ReadThis is sweet language in prayer, when the soul is in a right frame. ‘Lord, I confirm all my former dedications of myself to thee; and may all my covenantings be forever ratified. Or if I did never yet sincerely give myself up to the Lord, I do it now with the greatest solemnity, and from the bottom of my […]
ReadDavid Dickson was one of God’s greatest gifts to the Scottish Church. Born about 1583, he became minister of Irvine, in Ayrshire, in 1618. God very much blessed his ministry there, though Dickson modestly stated that the vintage of Irvine was not equal to the gleanings of Ayr in John Welsh’s time.1 In Dickson’s time, […]
Read‘. . . he was jealous for his God and made atonement for the sins of Israel.’ -Numbers 25:13 ‘Beginning in 1776, adultery was illegal in America. That ended in 2003 with the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas. That took two hundred and twenty-seven years. From 2003, homosexual marriage continued to be illegal […]
Read‘Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered this fate?’ -Luke 13:2 In light of the senseless, hate filled, jihadist motivated, Muslim terrorist, cold-blooded murders of forty-nine people last Sunday morning at the homosexual night club in Orlando, it is very possible that believers may ask a […]
ReadThere are ultimately only two voices in the world – the voice of truth and the voice of the lie. We can trace the origin of the great divide back to the Garden of Eden. God is the God of truth and communicated Himself through His Word. The Word created all things, including man in […]
ReadSir Marcus Loane was Primate (Principal Bishop) of the Anglican Church of Australia from 1966 to 1981. Allan Blanch has written an excellent comprehensive life story of Marcus L Loane, well researched and with personal knowledge. Blanch was a student of Loane’s at Moore College. ‘All knowledge is history’ are the provocative opening words of […]
Read‘For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.‘ 2 Corinthians 5:10 Can there be anything more fearful than the prospect of standing before the Lord Jesus Christ and giving a […]
ReadThis title may seem a bit odd, and there would be some good reasons for that, I suppose. Firstly, most people – in the West at least – are likely more concerned about what sort of coffee they might buy than what religion they may choose. And of course most folks simply pick up their […]
Read‘For the land has become defiled’ – Leviticus 18:24. In Leviticus 18, after Yahweh has given specific instructions through Moses to His covenant people on the various offerings for the atonement of their sins, He switches gears, as it were, and gives a long list of commands concerning sexual conduct. He begins by telling His people […]
ReadThis is a modern English translation by Dr Rob Roy McGregor from the French text and first published by Banner in 2009.There are 49 sermons in all on chapters 1 to 11:4 and they were preached in Geneva between September 1th 1559 and January 23rd 1560. The words of Calvin come fresh and clear even […]
ReadThere was a memorial service of the 25th anniversary of the death of Thomas Benjamin Tuitt held in his former church, the London Evangelical Reformed Church in Lauriston Road, Hackney, on Saturday 23rd April 2016 at 4 p.m.. About 250 to 300 people filled the lovely building, the downstairs was full and also the gallery […]
ReadIntroduction In addressing what are called ‘the Great Heresies,’ it is important for us to recall that heresies usually represent what Alister McGrath has called ‘a failed attempt at orthodoxy,’ (Heresy [London, SPCK, 2009] p. 13) an attempt to make sense of the Bible that fails to take into account the full richness of the […]
Read‘Honour everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the emperor’ (1 Peter 2:17). Most reading this will have some idea what it means to honour everyone, to love the brotherhood and to honour the emperor. But how many know what it means to ‘Fear God’? This is not an abstract or arcane question. We need […]
ReadAt the 2016 Shepherd’s Conference, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, and John MacArthur discussed books that have left a lasting impact on their lives and ministries. They pointed out two Banner titles that we have decided to put on sale, through May 12th. Watch the two short videos below to learn why these men speak so […]
ReadWe noticed recently a leading religious commentator acknowledging that the West will collapse without a Christian revival. There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a rapid moral decay. He went on to say that the West will fall unless it rises up against the forces that oppose it. But how is […]
ReadThis is a new translation by Robert-White of four sermons by John Calvin (JC). First published in 1552, the original title (in English) was ‘Four sermons of Master John Calvin, entreating of matters very profitable for our time, with a brief Exposition of Psalm 87.’ Included here are three letters by JC, one of the […]
ReadWatch Hensworth Jonas, Ligon Duncan, and Ian Hamilton explain why they come to the US Banner Ministers’ Conference, and learn how the conference can refresh your soul, unite you with other brothers in the ministry and enable you to better serve your congregation.
ReadClear and concise, encouraging and exhilarating, reliable and readable are six words that quickly come to mind. They help explain why the writings of J C Ryle have such an enduring value. But they are not the main reason why I, and so many others, find his books so beneficial. Ryle tackles controversial issues in some of articles and tracts. He […]
ReadIn the same paper, Pharisees and Sadducees, Ryle goes on to speak words that are remarkably prescient: To keep gospel truth in the church is even of greater importance than to keep peace . . . The Apostle Paul valued unity very greatly as we know, but here he runs the risk of all the […]
ReadIndebtedness to the Reformation In his paper Lessons from English Church History, Ryle draws out the benefits that have accrued from the Reformation. Whatever England is among the nations of the earth, as a Christian country, whatever political liberty we enjoy, whatever freedom we have in religion, whatever safety for life and property there is […]
ReadMay 2016 marks 200 years since the birth of J. C. Ryle. Soon to be released is Iain H. Murray’s new biography of the first Bishop of Liverpool, entitled J. C. Ryle: Prepared to Stand Alone.1 Ryle’, says Marcus Loane, ‘marked out a path for evangelical churchmen in days when much of the Church of […]