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So You Are Thinking of the Ministry?

Category Articles
Date August 20, 2018

Here are some questions you must consider. . .

1. Are you currently meaningfully involved in a church? If not, do that for a few years and decide whether you still want to work in the church.

2. When you read about the offices of elder or deacon, do you resonate more deeply with one or the other? If deacon, you will have more immediate options. You should consider developing skills in counsel/care, justice/mercy, Also, consider working in mercy ministries. If elder, you have a longer road ahead. You should try to get in  a place with a clear line of sight and ability to model an elder in a local church. If you can’t do this, maybe you can join a small gospel faithful church where the pastor would love to have an apprentice to share the load.

3. If you want to work in the church, you have to be a utility player. What skills have you not cultivated? — Often overlooked skills:

4. Are you willing to work a fill-time job at part-time pay for the first 3-5 years of your time in the church? Can you do this?

5. Have you dug a deep theological well? If not, maybe hold off until you have read widely and deeply the best books.

6. Have you spent time processing your upbringing, emotional health, and fears? If not, this will colour and/or cripple your early years in ministry. Take the time to do this.

7. Have you read the Bible? Seriously, have you read the whole Bible? Don’t be ashamed if you haven’t. But, do that. Then read it again.

8. Have you learned how to study the Bible? This is not just a seminary thing. There are plenty of seminary grads who don’t know how to do regular Bible study.

9. Do you love to learn? You must be apt to teach so a spirit of learning is essential. If not, you will either dislike or be ineffective in the work.

10. When was the last time you wept over the brokenness in your life, the lives of those around you, or the world? Not complained, not argued, wept. . .

11. Have you ever shared the gospel with a non-Christian friend, neighbour, coworker, or family member?

12. Are you familiar and acquainted with the great Christian works outside of the Bible such as. . .

If not, acquaint yourself with such books.

13. After all this reflection, prayer, study, and action . . . a few tips:

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