Yearly Archives: 2006
To all Sunday school teachers I would like to give a brief word of encouragement. Perhaps you wonder if you are making a difference, or if the message you are trying to get across is being taken in by your students. This is my testimonial to a wonderful Sunday school teacher who made a marked […]
ReadA few jottings by Mrs. Mercy Sturgess of Barton-le-Clay, Bedfordshire, written in November and December 1969 Just a little of the blessing one has hoped she had from the Lord in the year 1969, from July to September. Well, it was at the end of June when I feel I had such a sight of […]
ReadGenesis 2:8-17 “Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground – trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the […]
ReadWhat’s wrong with a little gambling? The 1968 Gambling Act saw gambling as something to be tolerated reluctantly and therefore to be carefully regularized and controlled, but now gambling is viewed as part of mainstream leisure. The 2005 Gambling Act allows 24-hour opening with unlimited jackpots for casinos and has among other matters approved a […]
ReadA Testimony of Faith by Richard Anderson My name is Richard Anderson. I am a Jewish believer in Jesus who came to faith about 25 years ago. I know the name Anderson probably doesn’t “sound Jewish” to you! My parents Anglicized the family surname before I was born. I offer my testimony with hope that […]
ReadIt is deeply salutary to reflect on the unrelenting way the devil sought to overcome our Lord Jesus and to divert him from his calling to be the Redeemer of God’s elect. At the outset of his public ministry we find our Lord being tempted by the devil in the desert: “If you are the […]
ReadIt was to a people drifting further and further from God that Isaiah was sent with his prophecies. And, as they gave themselves more and more to sin – idolatry and Sabbath breaking and much more – the fulfilment of those prophecies which spoke of captivity loomed ever closer. Yet the captivity was by no […]
ReadProverbs 8:4,5. Unto you, O men, I call; and My voice is to the sons of man. O ye simple, understand wisdom; and ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. The ground on which sinners are thus called, and the warrant they have for instant compliance with that call. Two things are evidently required […]
ReadWe have received and read The Banner of Truth Magazine since it began in 1955 and possessing an earlier edition of this collection of the first 16 issues, we are pleased to see this volume in print again in the handsome format typical of the Trust’s productions (Issues 1-16, published by the Banner of Truth […]
ReadI was in business in the retail trade. One Saturday, in conversation with a fellow-trader, he told me of a pair of shops being built in a neighbouring village; that he was going to take one of them, and suggested that the other one would be very suitable for the trade in which I was […]
ReadThe last week-end of April in Aberystywth was the occasion of a visit there by Sam Rotman and his wife Deborah, the first time they had been to Wales. Though having sporadically written we have not seen each other for 35 years. Sam came with me to the University Christian Union on Friday night where […]
ReadProverbs 8:4,5. Unto you, O men, I call; and My voice is to the sons of man. O ye simple, understand wisdom; and ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. These are the words of Christ. They are the words of Christ to men in general – “to the sons of man”. They are […]
ReadGenesis 2:4-7 “This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens – and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the LORD God had not […]
ReadThe following are two appreciative and critical reviews of the stimulating book, The Old Evangelicalism, by Iain H. Murray. The first review was by Pastor Mark R. Brown of Pennsylvania and appeared in New Horizons, February 2006. He writes as following; This book may be regarded as the capstone of a trilogy on the theme […]
ReadJudas Iscariot, vilified as Christ’s betrayer, acted at Jesus’ request in turning him over to the authorities who crucified him, according to a 1,700-year-old copy of the “Gospel of Judas” unveiled on Thursday. It is not known who wrote the Judas gospel. The copy unveiled in early April is of a document probably mentioned in […]