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Yearly Archives: 2013

How do you preach on a ‘God-less’ chapter of Scripture? To my shame I confess that I often don’t, I just skip on to the next chapter. But Ian Hamilton, minister of Cambridge Presbyterian Church, showed how to do it on Sunday 28 April in a sermon on 1 Samuel 27:1-28:2. In brief, you wrestle […]

Category Articles
Date May 9, 2013

Rev. John Macpherson, former Free Church minister in Dornoch and London, and missionary in Peru, reflects on the influence of Bonar’s Memoir and Remains of Robert Murray M’Cheyne on his life and ministry. I had the inestimable privilege of being brought to faith in Christ while I was young, about 14-15 years of age. Although […]

Category Articles
Date May 7, 2013

In 1977 the publication of E P Sanders’ book Paul and Palestinian Judaism began a series of publications which radically re-interpreted the gospel, alleging that Paul had misinterpreted the Truth. A ‘New Perspective’ on the background and writings of Paul dominated the mind and writings of influential New Testament scholars. The result was a radical departure from […]

Category Articles
Date May 3, 2013

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite spirit, O Lord, Thou wilt not despise (Psalm 51:17). King David wrote, ‘. . . his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law he meditates day and night’ (Psa. 1:2). But then David saw Bathsheba, desired her, took her, and […]

Category Articles
Date May 3, 2013

Recently I read the large two volume official biography of John Stott written by Timothy Dudley-Smith. The books are interesting because of the account they give of many events, organisations and people in the British evangelical scene during the second half of the twentieth century. There is no doubting the huge impact Stott made in […]

Category Articles
Date April 30, 2013

My father was Jackie Ross, a minister in Lochcarron, but best known for his work with Blythswood Care, a Christian charity he started with friends in 1966. He led Blythswood through major growth years in the nineties, and continued to be involved with the leadership team until his death in 2001. I don’t hold him […]

Category Articles
Date April 26, 2013

Christianophobia: A Faith Under Attack By Rupert Shortt London: Rider Books, 2012 320 pages ISBN: 978 1 84604 275 1 (hardback) ISBN: 978 1 84604 276 8 (paperback) Christianophobia is such an ugly, awkward word. In an age when everything is treated as a brand, Islamophobia seems to roll off the tongue. This has perhaps […]

Category Book Reviews
Date April 26, 2013

Introduction In a highly technical article entitled ‘Philosophic Calvinism’ (Living for God’s Glory, ed. J. R. Beeke, Reformation Trust, 2008, pages 150-159) James Grier argues (using Abraham Kuyper’s Stone Lectures as his starting point) that John Calvin had a unified world view. This view was in principle comprehensive: it embraced theology, philosophy, culture, science and art. ‘The […]

Category Articles
Date April 23, 2013

The Act of Uniformity of 1662 prescribed that any minister in England who refused to conform to the Book of Common Prayer by 14th August 1662 would be ejected from the Church of England. Over 2,000 evangelical ministers left their livings rather than conform to what they saw as extra-Biblical rules and regulations. It was a sad […]

Category Book Reviews
Date April 23, 2013

Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow (Psalm 51:7). King David had it going on. He was riding high as king of the unified, prosperous, and militarily mighty nation of Israel. He was a courageous and bold military leader, as well as being a prolific […]

Category Articles
Date April 19, 2013

The Grace and Duty of Being Spiritually Minded by John Owen is published by the Banner of Truth Trust in Volume 7 of The Works of John Owen, available from the Trust at £215 for the set of 16 volumes or £15 for a single one.1 Alternatively, a modern abridgement by R.J.K. Law entitled Spiritual-Mindedness (264 pages) is obtainable, also […]

Category Book Reviews
Date April 19, 2013

Introduction At a time when Theological Liberalism was leading millions away from the true gospel into the pit of heresy, the Head of the Church raised up several defenders of the Faith to stand in the breach and repel the enemy. Not the least among these was John Gresham Machen, who, along with such stalwarts […]

Category Book Reviews
Date April 16, 2013

Reading the Letters of Samuel Rutherford is to enter a world where love to the Lord Jesus Christ is the absorbing preoccupation. Writing to a lady parishioner in 1637, he said, ‘Christ is a well of life; but who knoweth how deep it is to the bottom? . . . And oh, what a fair one, what […]

Category Articles
Date April 12, 2013

. . . they will look on Me whom they have pierced (Zechariah 12:10). The return from exile, prophesied by Jeremiah (Jer. 25:11-12; 29:10) was a glorious and wonderful occasion for the Jews (Psa. 126:1-3), but it also vividly reminded God’s covenant people of their folly and its consequences. They had gone after false gods and Yahweh repeatedly […]

Category Articles
Date April 12, 2013

In August 1969 Dr. Lloyd-Jones was the principal preacher at the summer Institute of Theology in Pensacola. People today who were there still talk of the nine messages they heard him preach. They were the cream of his sermons, messages he had taken with him around the UK preaching to packed churches. They have now […]

Category Articles
Date April 9, 2013