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Thou hast given me a fixed disposition
      to go forth and spend my life for thee;
If it be thy will let me proceed in it;
  if not, then revoke my intentions.
All I want in life is such circumstances
  as may best enable me to serve thee in the world;
To this end I leave all my concerns in thy hand,
  but let me not be discouraged,
    for this hinders my spiritual fervency;
Enable me to undertake some task for thee,
  for this refreshes and animates my soul,
    so that I could endure all hardships and labours,
    and willingly suffer for thy name.
But, O what a death it is to strive and labour,
  to be always in a hurry and yet do nothing!
Alas, time flies and I am of little use.
O that I could be a flame of fire in thy service,
  always burning out in one continual blaze.
Fit me for singular usefulness in this world.
Fit me to exult in distresses of every kind
  if they but promote the advancement
    of thy kingdom.
Fit me to quit all hopes of the world’s friendship,
  and give me a deeper sense of my sinfulness.
Fit me to accept as just desert from thee
  any trial that may befall me.
Fit me to be totally resigned to the denial
    of pleasures I desire,
  and to be content to spend my time with thee.
Fit me to pray with a sense of the joy
    of divine communion,
  to find all times happy seasons to my soul,
  to see my own nothingness,
  and wonder that I am allowed to serve thee.
Fit me to enter the blessed world
    where no unclean thing is,
  and to know thee with me always.

Valley of Vision is copyrighted. Please do not reproduce this text in any form without permission from the Banner of Truth.