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Jonathan Landry Cruse

Jonathan Landry Cruse is the pastor of Community Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where he lives with his wife and children. A Pennsylvania native, he grew up in a Christian home with a family that was very involved with ministry in their local Reformed congregation. The Lord made the call to ministry clear to Jonathan near the end of his college career, where he was studying Communications and English at Temple University. While in college he also served on staff at the historic Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PA, and it was there, particularly through involvement with the music ministry, that his passion for Reformed worship and liturgics began to be shaped.

He earned his Masters of Divinity from Westminster Seminary California, and is pursuing his Doctorate of Ministry through Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina. He is an editor for Modern Reformation magazine and the author, contributor, or editor of several books, including The Christian’s True Identity and What Happens When We Worship. Jonathan also serves the wider church through his hymns, which have been published in various hymnals, and can all be found at