Hywel R. Jones Resources

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Dr. Hywel R. Jones is Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Escondido, California. He has a B.A. from the University of Wales, an MA from the University of Cambridge, and a Ph.D. from Greenwich University School of Theology. Hywel Jones was ordained in the Presbyterian Church of Wales in 1963 and ministered in […]
ReadEXTRACT FROM THE INAUGURAL LECTURE OF HYWEL JONES AS PROFESSOR OF PRACTICAL THEOLOGY AT WESTMINSTER SEMINARY ESCONDIDO. Looking back on the first 75 years of the last century, several writers have noted that the Holy Spirit had been overlooked in theological writing in the English language. Juergen Moltmann and Alister McGrath, for example – and […]
ReadPAY FULL ATTENTION! ‘If no sin was unpunished in the Old Testament, how can any be in the New?’ Every good preacher should be able to state things as succinctly as the writer to the Hebrews has done; but no preacher worth his salt is content with doing only that. He knows that things have […]