Resources by Samuel, David N.
A transcript of the sermon preached by the Rt. Rev. Dr David Samuel at the 125th Anniversary Service of the Protestant Truth Society. The service was held in Kensit Evangelical Church, Finchley, North London, on Saturday 24 May 2014. May I say first of all it is a great privilege to be asked to preach […]
ReadAs our western society sinks ever deeper into materialism and hedonism, the church must take an uncompromising stand, as Paul did on Mars Hill, and confront the secular establishment with the truth by Dr. David N. Samuel, Devizes, Wiltshire The prevailing philosophy and outlook of our age is secular and materialistic. This view has gained […]
ReadHOMOSEXUALITY AND THE NEW ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY How then does Rowan Williams arrive at this perverse and paradoxical conclusion which contradicts the orthodox and Biblical teaching on this subject? by David N. Samuel "The Body’s Grace", is a lecture that was given by the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, to the Lesbian and Gay […]
ReadTHE QUEEN’S JUBILEE Fifty years is a long time, and much has happened since our Queen came to the throne. Indeed, the world that existed then has passed away. by DAVID N. SAMUEL [An address given at the Annual Assembly of the Church of England (Continuing) on 6th July 2002] IN the hall of the […]
ReadJAMES BARRY 1641-1719 : THE ONLY REFUGE OF THE TROUBLED SOUL The All-Sufficiency of Christ in the Life and Writings of James Barry (1641-1719) by David N Samuel James Barry, I believe, exemplifies in a remarkable way, in his life and writings, this great truth of the Christian faith – the all-sufficiency of Christ as […]
ReadAPOSTASY WE MUST START FROM THE ‘GREAT POSITIVE STATEMENTS OF SCRIPTURE’ John Owen is one who has written comprehensively on this subject. I have, therefore, taken his writings as the basis for what I want to say, while drawing on the contribution of others here and there, and interjecting some comments of my own. By […]
ReadJ. C. Ryle was fighting on two fronts. He saw not only the dangers that arose from the prospect of the Romanising of the Church of England, but also those which threatened from the growing liberalism and skepticism of the age. He warned not only of the doctrine of the Pharisees, i.e., formalism, tradition worship, […]