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Resources by Van Dyk, John

For years Huibert Den Boer Kept a family heirloom in a cupboard collecting dust. Its broken and bent locks and three missing corners made the 300-year-old book look shoddy and unworthy of shelf space in his California home. It took a television show relating the story of Dutch immigrants to the Michigan area of the […]

Category Resources
Date November 20, 2012

"Does the church still need free grace?" To answer the question Rev. Mark Vander Hart travelled from Dyer, Indiana to Ancaster, Ontario on October 31, to give his affirmation to what was – in the confines of a receptive Reformed audience – an obvious answer. Obvious as it was however, it was clear from the […]

Category Articles
Date December 17, 2003

"We need to also avoid using technical terms such as justification by faith because it doesn’t mean anything to them," said Attallah. "The message of the gospel is powerful, but sometimes we are an obstacle in proclaiming it to others." by John Van Dyk The quiet construction of mosques in various urban locations throughout North […]

Category Articles
Date December 27, 2002