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The Curse Of Modern Man

Category Articles
Date November 8, 2005

There is an ancient curse that lingers with us to this very day – the willingness of human society to be completely absorbed in a godless world.

It is the supreme sin of unbelievers that even though Jesus Christ Himself has come into this world, man does not and will not feel His all-pervading presence; man cannot see the true Light, and he cannot hear God’s voice of love and truth.

We have become a “profane” society – fully absorbed in and intent with nothing more than the material and physical aspects of this earthly life. Men and women glory in the fact that they are now able to live in luxurious houses, wear designer clothes, and drive the finest cars money can buy, such things that previous generations could never possess.

This is the curse that lies upon modern man – he is insensible, blind, and deaf in his eagerness to forget that there is a God. He has bought the big lie and strange belief that materialism constitutes the good life. But, dear friend, do you not know that your great sin is this: the all-pervading and eternal presence of God is here and you cannot feel Him at all, you acknowledge Him not in the least? Are you not aware that there is a great and true Light that is brightly shining and yet you cannot see it? Have you not heard within your conscience and mind a tender Voice whispering to you about the eternal value and importance of your soul, and yet you have said, “I hear nothing.”

Many an unthinking, secular-minded man replies, “Well, I am willing to take my chances.” What foolish talk from a mortal and dying person. Foolish because men do not have the luxury of taking their chances, either they are saved and forgiven or they are lost. Surely this is the great curse that lies upon mankind today, men are so wrapped up in their own godless world that they refuse the Light that even now shines, the Voice that speaks, and the Presence that pervades and changes hearts.

So men pursue money, profits, fame, fortune, continual entertainment, or addiction to pleasure. Anything to take the seriousness out of living, anything to keep them from sensing that there is a Presence, who is the way, the truth, and the life.

One of the saddest and most serious truths that exists is the fact that a great and eternal woe awaits the completely secular and materialistic man whose only religion is in the thought that he is probably not as bad as some other men.

I myself was an ignorant 17 year old boy when I first heard preaching in the street, and I then wandered into a church where I heard a man quoting a Scripture: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden!”, and I will give you rest; Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me . . . and you shall find rest for your souls.”

Actually, I was little better than a full pagan, but I suddenly became greatly disturbed, for I began to feel and sense and acknowledge God’s gracious presence. I heard His voice within speaking to me ever so faintly. I discerned that there was a light that was shining in my darkness.

Once again, walking on the street, I stopped to hear a man preaching at a corner and he said to those listening, “If you do not even know how to pray, go home and get down low, and pray,” God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” That is exactly what I did. And God promised to forgive and satisfy anyone who is hungry enough and concerned enough to cry out, “Lord, save me!”

Well, He is here now. The Word, Jesus Christ, was made flesh and dwelt among us and He still is among us, still willing and able to save. The only thing remaining is for anyone from a humble and needy heart to cry to Him, “O, Lamb of God, I come, I come!”

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