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The Book That… (12)

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Category Articles
Date April 20, 2018

Roger Hitchings talks to us about the books that have impacted his life and faith.

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The book that I am currently reading…

Actually, I am reading two. The first is The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon by Stephen Lawson. This is part of a series of books that are all quite excellent. The volumes of John Owen and Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones are really helpful, and this one on Spurgeon’s preaching is fascinating, challenging and humble. Well worth a read. The other book I am reading is Christ Crucified by Donald Macleod. I have had it on my shelf for some time, but I referred to it for a sermon on the words of Jesus from the Cross. Having read the bit I wanted, I just had to read the whole and it has blessed my soul immensely.

The book that changed my life…

This is not original since it is Redemption Accomplished and Applied. As a boy of 19 I was struggling with some of the theology in the Pentecostal church where I had been brought up. I was warned by a friend to beware of the direction I was going in. ‘You will end up as a Calvinist like that John Murray’ were his exact words as he waved a copy of Redemption Accomplished and Applied in my face. I had never read it. So I bought it, read it, and, of course, became a Calvinist! My whole life was changed. I have read it so many times since and found benefit every time.

The book that I wish I had written…

I would never have been capable of writing this book, but The Person of Christ by John Owen is to me so delightful and not that difficult to read. He proclaims Christ in every sentence and I love it.

The book that helped me most in my preaching…

Again, I am unoriginal. Coming from the background I did meant that my ideas about preaching were somewhat confused. A godly Pentecostal brother say my need and recommended Preaching and Preachers by Dr Lloyd-Jones. Reading through that book a couple times set me in the right direction.

The book that I think is most underrated…

The Abiding Presence by Hugh Martin. Anything written by Hugh Martin is worthwhile reading but this book that traces out the life and ministry of the Lord is tragically little known. It has been recently reprinted and I trust many people buy it.

The book that made me say amen as I read…

Be Still My Soul by Nancy Guthrie is a collection of essays by a host of different writers on the theme of suffering. The overwhelming biblical emphasis of most articles stirred in my heart.

The last book that made me weep…

I have worked a great deal with people with Dementia and saw that cruel disease affect my own mother. Walking Through Twilight by Donald Groothius is one of the most honest and therefore most helpful books of the subject. I identify with every groan, and tear, with every expression of frustration and anger, every proof of the love of God that Groothius, and eminent philosopher, expresses.

The book that I am ashamed not to have read…

How do I choose from a vast list? I think my greatest shame is that I have never properly read Dr Lloyd-Jones on Romans. I have picked bits out, but have never read the whole series right through. When I retire…

The book that I most often give to new church members and young Christians…

Knowing God by J. I. Packer is a book that deals with the very basics of what it is to be a Christian. Understanding that is basic and essential.

The book that I give to people thinking of becoming Christians…

Which Way to God by Peter Jeffrey and Ultimate Questions by John Blanchard both deal with the fundamental issues and set out the gospel with clarity.

The book that I wish I was able to write and want someone to write…

Because of my involvement with older people and especially people with dementia, I would love to see a thorough and practical explanation of the vast amount of teaching in the Scriptures on these two subjects. There is so much Christianised human psychology being produced which fails to grapple with the Biblical text.

The best book for children…

When my sons were young, we read through Bunyan’s The Holy War, adapted for children by Thelma Jenkins. It was so stimulating and helpful. That and Pilgrim’s Progress are still of great value to children — and adults.

Books to Grow Your Faith

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    Roger Hitchings talks to us about the books that have impacted his life and faith. * * * The book that I am currently reading… Actually, I am reading two. The first is The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon by Stephen Lawson. This is part of a series of books that are all quite excellent. The […]

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    Roger Hitchings talks to us about the books that have impacted his life and faith. * * * The book that I am currently reading… Actually, I am reading two. The first is The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon by Stephen Lawson. This is part of a series of books that are all quite excellent. The […]

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