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John Piper has written The Justification of God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 9:1-23 which is published by Baker Book House, (1993, 245 pp. paperback). In a sermon entitled ‘I Will Be Gracious to Whom I Will Be Gracious,’ John Piper confessed that when a junior in seminary, ‘Romans 9 came on me […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 1, 2000

The distinguished Dutch physician Bert Keizer went to London this week and gave a lecture at the London Millennium Festival of Science, at King’s College. He spoke of the rise of Modern Medicine after 1850, the study of the anatomical basis of the symptoms of diseases, the discovery of the bacterial causes of diseases, the […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

Dr Barry E. Horner is an Australian who is now pastoring in New Jersey, USA. His has been a life-long passion with Pilgrim’s Progress: ‘When five years of age, my older sister took me to an after school meeting for children at the local Baptist church. It was there that I first encountered a never-to-be […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

There is in the heart of man a longing for the holy. The psalmist declares, ‘Deep calls to deep’ (Psalm 42:7). There is an abiding dissatisfaction with the sense of cosmic lostness that has gripped the human race ever since our first parents lost their intimate communion with God and were expelled from the garden […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

These are not easy times but we have known some genuine encouragements in the past two weeks–in the midst of much that could undermine our conviction that the Lord is reigning. A month ago four of us were planning the Grace Baptist Assembly for May next year. We have some men speaking who take the […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

Visiting America is increasingly like visiting a Britain one remembers. The ideas, beliefs, customs and language of these islands is surviving in the United Sates when they are being forgotten here. Church attendance is showing no sign of decreasing, and to sit in a full congregation is refreshing. New seminaries have been established to train […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

Three of the most prestigious Ivy League universities in the USA are Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. They are also the centres of political correctness. What happens there is mimicked in universities all over the world. They all had impeccable Christian foundations. Yale came into existence in 1701 in part as a conservative Congregationalist reaction to […]

Category Articles
Date September 15, 2000

When Dutch immigrants of Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (GKN) background visit the ‘old country,’ they often find it hard to understand the liberal trends and the many changes in their once solid and strict Reformed denomination. And in turn family and friends find the immigrants from North America rather conservative. As an immigrant myself […]

Category Articles
Date September 15, 2000

It’s two o’clock and the lamb race is about to begin. Led out of the barn, Horlicks, Bovril, Pepsi, Expresso, Chocolate, and Little Bo Peep enter a field crowded with expectant children and parents. They line up. The children who hold the lambs are instructed about where they should be headed. A boy with a […]

Category Articles
Date September 1, 2000

In the extraordinary opening ceremony to mark the opening of the Olympic Games one of the climaxes of the evening was to see that one word that hung suspended from the giant arch of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The word was ‘ETERNITY’. It had also been hanging there on January 1 to greet the dawning […]

Category Articles
Date September 1, 2000

Chris Harmse of South Africa is a hammer thrower. He holds the record on the African continent for that event. A big man in every way he had qualified for the South African team during a pre-Olympic event in Croatia on July 15. Then he discovered that the final of the hammer throw took place […]

Category Articles
Date September 1, 2000

The daily obituary columns in the newspaper increasingly catch one’s eye. One always glances at the age the deceased had attained. Dr Margaret Pollak was 77 when she died earlier this month (The Times, September 14, 2000). A London doctor, Peggy Pollak (as she was known) became intrigued by the wide discrepancies in young children’s […]

Category Articles
Date September 1, 2000

A Quiet Revolution; a Chronicle of Beginnings of Reformation in the Southern Baptist Convention by Ernest C. Reisinger and D. Matthew Allen, pb., n.p., Published by the Founders Press, and distributed by Christian Gospel Book Service, 107 pp. This book, written in part by the oldest of the Banner of Truth trustees, Ernest C. Reisinger, […]

Category Book Reviews
Date August 15, 2000

As I write these lines a series of violent riots have taken place in the south of Spain after a girl was murdered by a North African immigrant who tried to steal her money. Hundreds of people thought it was time to take some revenge. They destroyed the slums where all these workers from the […]

Category Articles
Date August 15, 2000

During June this year I was able with God’s help to make a fortnight’s visit to Tiumen, Onokino, Tobolsk, Niagan and Priobye. In all places there is steady progress, much fervent prayer and faithful robust evangelistic preaching of God’s gospel with souls being added to the church. Nowhere did I find any spirit of complacency, […]

Category Articles
Date August 15, 2000