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I [Geoff Thomas] first saw Dr Koop in Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia in 1961. He was an elder, and bore a striking resemblance to the pastor at that time, Mariano Di Gangi. He was a surgeon in the Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia. Then I heard of him again when his son was killed rock-climbing one […]

Category Articles
Date May 1, 2000

John Newton and William Cowper lived for many years in the little town of Olney in Buckinghamshire. The town is in the middle of a triangle of larger towns with Northampton to the north-west, Bedford due east, and Milton Keyes due south. These two men both wrote hymns, some of them the most outstanding in […]

Category Articles
Date May 1, 2000

Forty years ago Rousas J. Rushdoony wrote a booklet called The Myth Of Over-Population. It was greeted with coolness or even disapproval in Calvinistic circles. Everyone ‘knew’ that the population of the world was expanding out of control. Now a big cat has got out of the bag. The United Nations itself, which for decades […]

Category Articles
Date May 1, 2000

Two years ago a representative of the Slav Lands Christian Fellowship was invited to western Siberia to see the fruit of an indigenous missionary outreach that had begun seven years before in this previously unevangelised field. He went not as a tourist but to assess the possibilities of co-operating in a practical ways with our […]

Category Articles
Date May 1, 2000

A report of the Banner of Truth Conferences held in April this year: What a great privilege it is to be able to attend the Banner of Truth Youth Conference each year! Although it is a busy time it is a wonderful opportunity to see a group of young people so evidently enjoying hearing the […]

Category Articles
Date May 1, 2000

Reports of the UK population crisis are finally hitting the headlines of our major newspapers, such as the Sunday Times and the Daily Mail. LIFE has been warning for some time that decreased fertility rates and delayed motherhood are amongst factors contributing to an imminent population implosion. However, figures just released by Eurostat, the European […]

Category Articles
Date May 1, 2000

Roman Catholic militancy does not end. Two big books have just appeared, written by leading Catholic teachers. One is titled Not by Faith Alone — The Biblical Evidence for the Doctrine of Justification by Robert Sungenis. It is 774 pages in length, costs 25 dollars and is published by Queenship Publishing Company of Santa Barbara, […]

Category Articles
Date May 1, 2000

The following article was written by Lisa Loden. Lisa and her husband, David, are well known in Israel and Palestine for their musical gift and for their important contribution toward the creation of a local Christian hymnody in Hebrew. Lisa is also active in cultivating relations between Jews and Palestinian Arabs in Christ and serves […]

Category Articles
Date April 1, 2000

Session 1 The Conference commenced with the 300 men singing the metrical version of Psalm 65, and with prayer. Iain Murray then explained to the Conference that the sickness of Dr Robert Godfrey of Westminster Seminary, California, had prevented his attendance, and that Dr Sinclair Ferguson would speak instead of him. John Marshall opened a […]

Category Articles
Date April 1, 2000

The history of God’s work in Scotland is profuse and brimming with manifestations of God’s power and grace. In my twenty-five years of ministry here it has been my privilege when time and opportunity afforded to take visiting preachers on ‘the grand tour.’ From the castle at St Andrews in the north-east to the various […]

Category Articles
Date April 1, 2000

During Easter Week Alec MacDougall of Trinity Baptist Church Gloucester took myself and my nephew David on a history tour of that city. We saw the memorial church, built on a site where George Whitefield preached in the open air. I would guess it was built as a Presbyterian chapel. It’s URC now–and devoid of […]

Category Articles
Date April 1, 2000

Near the end of his life, Augustine of Hippo meticulously reviewed everything he had ever published. He wrote an entire catalogue of his own works, a painstakingly annotated bibliography with hundreds of revisions and amendments to correct flaws he saw in his own earlier material. The book, titled Retractationes, is powerful evidence of Augustine’s humility […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2000

After a decade of theological teaching with the Qua Iboe in Nigeria, Martin Bussey has gone to teach theology in Kenya alongside Keith Underhill and the Trinity Reformed Baptist Church. this is the first letter he has written about settling into East Africa. * * * That’s how long it is since we landed. And […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2000

To some it might seem unnecessary and even wickedly controversial to thrust upon readers any discussion of Arminianism. This might appear to be the case for two reasons. First of all, why should we revive ancient controversies and thereby provoke animosities that have long since died the death of old age? Arminianism takes its name […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2000

The local pastor often wonders what is happening in the other churches of his community. David Marshall is the pastor of Hamilton Reformed Baptist Church in New Zealand. Recently he needed to take a break from the rigours of pastoral ministry and so was granted a month’s leave. It was not convenient to go away […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2000