No doctrine has received greater attention than the Atonement. And yet, comparing the studies of the present with those of the past, and the emphases of the Bible with those of its interpreters, one begins to suspect that several aspects of the doctrine are not receiving the attention they deserve. Its Horror This is true, […]
ReadEducation is very much in the forefront of the nation’s thinking these days. Within the last few years we have seen the publication of several important official reports. The supply and remuneration of teachers, the virtues of various forms of secondary education and the relationships between pupil, parent and school — all these are, rightly, […]
ReadThe practice of calling sinners to open response by the act of coming to the front of a congregation at the close of a service was introduced by C. G. Finney in the 1820’s in the United States. Finney coined the phrase ‘the anxious seat’, and substituted a new term ‘submitting to Christ’ to the […]
ReadOne day in mid January I was reading the newspaper that reported that a request from the late Scottish author Iain Banks had been finally rejected by the local government. He had died at 59 years of age six years ago and had wanted his ashes to be scattered in various places in the world, […]
ReadThe links to all the 2019 UK Banner Ministers’ Conference live stream videos and recorded addresses will be listed here during the conference. Go here to find all videos from the conference Conference Schedule Eastern Standard Time Monday, 8 April 12:15pm – Opening Sermon – Steven Curry 3:15pm – The Holy Spirit and the Doctrine of […]
ReadYour letter, which I received a few days ago, was most acceptable to me; it gave me no small joy, when I heard formerly of your design, and saw your rules, whereof I heartily approve. I desire to bless God that in this degenerate age when atheism, infidelity, and all kinds of wickedness abound, and […]
ReadThe links to all the 2019 UK Banner Youth Conference livestream videos and recorded addresses will be listed here during the conference. Go here to find all videos from the conference (For Youth Conference videos, please click the ‘View All’ button under ‘Uploads’) Conference Schedule Eastern Standard Time Friday, April 5 2.45pm – the Mind […]
ReadAnthony Mathenia, pastor of Christ Church, Radford, VA, discusses the character of God and the weight of his Majesty along Sinclair Ferguson, Steve Lawson, Joel Beeke, Conrad Mbewe, Jordan Thomas, Ian Hamilton, Geoff Thomas, Jeremy Walker, Garry Williams, and Andrew Davies in The Weight of Majesty — the second installment of Behold Your God series from Media Gratiae. This week, […]
ReadA Christian journal recently gave a detailed account of an effort made to bring young people under the influence of the Gospel. A typical ‘Cellar Club’ was hired, and in an atmosphere of dimmed lights, soft drinks, cigarette smoke and ‘Christian beat music’, hundreds of teenagers were given an opportunity to talk to young believers […]
ReadThe present is a time not for ease or pleasure, but for earnest and prayerful work. A terrible crisis unquestionably has arisen in the Church. In the ministry of evangelical churches are to be found hosts of those who reject the gospel of Christ. By the equivocal use of traditional phrases, by the representation of differences […]
ReadJoin us as we guide you through one of Banner’s new reprints: The Great Awakening by Joseph Tracy. In this video overview we’ll summarize some of Tracy’s key points in the book while reading some longer sections to give you a flavour for what the book is like. This volume remains second to none in […]
ReadThis excerpt is taken from chapter three of Maturity by Sinclair B. Ferguson, a new release from the Banner of Truth Trust. * * * In the early years of a plant’s life, the basic function of pruning is not to produce fruit immediately, but to prepare for future fruit. Good pruning helps create the proper form […]
ReadTo do good to others, is an honour that comes from God only. The very desire is Christ-like; and those that are Christ’s have both the desire and the power. If you have lived without Christ, you have done nothing either for God or man in the past. If you would now take Christ, what […]
ReadWe have an exciting announcement for you: After publishing books for over 60 years, the Banner of Truth has been blessed to build up a deep list of books that some of us have forgotten! So, for a limited time, we’ve collected a number of quality resources here that continue to be helpful in promoting […]
ReadThis past January at the 2019 G3 Conference, Mark Dever, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, stopped by the Banner book table and was kind enough to recommend some of our books. We followed him around the table to document his recommendations for you and we hope you’ll find them helpful as you consider your […]
ReadThe world today is looking for a note of optimism. The dark clouds of war hover ominously over the international scene. Political confusion, economic uncertainty, and social unrest produce anxiety and fear in various parts of the world. Amid all our scientific and technological progress, the twentieth-century man seems disillusioned with the promises of peace […]
ReadNow, you are aware that there are different theories of Redemption. All Christians hold that Christ died to redeem, but many Christians do not teach the same redemption. We differ as to the nature, of atonement, and as to the design of redemption. For instance, the Arminian holds that Christ when He died, did not […]
ReadIn the report of the Archbishop’s Committee on Evangelism, published in 1945 under the title: Towards the Conversion of England, the work of evangelism is conveniently defined as follows: ‘so to present Christ Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, that men shall come to put their trust in God through Him, to accept […]
Read‘Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.’ –2 Corinthians 12:10 Notes from a Sermon of the Rev. Thomas Jones (1752-1845). The subject before us can be understood only by Christian warriors, and it is understood by all who […]
Read‘Puritanism has left a vast literature of homiletics and casuistry, which is wholly dead save for an occasional excursion of the curious. Nothing could be more wearisome to the modern reader than its voluminous controversy. The Calvinistic theology, which was the intellectual form of Puritanism, is dead beyond recall.’ These words were penned in 1912 by a Fellow of All […]
ReadTraditionally, Baptist have been very wary of written prayers. Our Baptist forefathers strenuously objected to the liturgical format of the Church of England, in which the corporate recitation of set prayers was a major element. For instance, a prominent item at the trial of John Bunyan (1628-1688) in 1661 was Bunyan’s adamant opposition to the […]
ReadThe following is abridged from a pamphlet by James Begg (1803-1883), The Art of Preaching, printed in 1863, twenty years after more than 400 ministers had left the Church of Scotland to form the Free Church of Scotland. While in the context in which Begg wrote there were no doubt peculiar historical circumstances affecting the […]
Read‘Then shall the Kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. . . at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh….. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour […]
Read‘The cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments.’ — 2 Timothy 4:13 Paul is in prison and in a short time is to lose his life at the instigation of the Roman Emperor Nero. But in prison he invites Timothy to bring with him […]
ReadIt belongs to God to put the world right; the Christian’s first duty is to put himself right. In so doing the believer takes the first step towards influencing others for good. But it is a difficult and an unwelcome task and one in which he can expect little help or encouragement from others. Repentance […]