In this video, Pastor Alistair Begg (Parkside Church, Truth For Life) tells us why the 2 Volume Set D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones by Iain Murray is his favorite Banner of Truth work, and how it continues to be impactful in his life and ministry today. This set and other 2 Volume Sets and Gift Sets are […]
ReadHere is another worthy addition to a fine series, Banner of Truth’s ‘Puritan Paperbacks’. The quarry of Puritan spiritual writings seems inexhaustible: surely a testimony to the Christian godliness of our nation in a past age. In his ten-page ‘Introduction’ to this book Lewis Allen provides a valuable overview for all those who are new […]
ReadIt is the centenary of the end of the First World War. Let us remind ourselves of that fearful period in British history of valiant courage, self-sacrifice, unimaginable suffering and death. What can we learn from it? Five of the Causes that Triggered the War 1. Mutual Defence Alliances Countries throughout Europe made mutual defence agreements […]
ReadJust a couple of weeks ago, Steve Burchett and I loaded up his van and drove to Oklahoma from Kansas City for retreat with the leaders of a well-known international ministry I won’t name. The trip was pleasant, but when we arrived after several hours, the gate of the retreat center was only partially opened […]
Read‘If Spurgeon has been a blessing to your soul, would you consider writing a brief testimonial,’ they said. Not an easy task, because Spurgeon has been such a blessing to me, but to begin with, there are the Sermons, in which Spurgeon takes a small phrase of Scripture and uses it as the key to […]
ReadI remember group projects in high school and college. They normally did not go well. Either a brainiac, an egomaniac, or a sluggard usually messed things up. Too many people contributing to one common project caused things to just not be as good as if one person is doing a project. The reality is, most […]
ReadFrom as early as I can remember, books, poetry, and literature have mattered to me a great deal. That interest intensified in my teens, and eventually led me to study English as a single honours subject at university — I had no career plans back in those care free, fee-free, days of undergrad education! Lurking […]
ReadJacques Lefevre has been variously called ‘The Pioneer of the Reformation in France’, ‘The Patriarch of the Reformers in France’ and ‘The Founder of the French Reformation’. Why then is so little written and known about a man to whom such titles are given by historians? There are two probable reasons. Firstly, the dreadful persecutions […]
Read‘The Reformation from Popery in the sixteenth century was the greatest event, or series of events, that has occurred since the close of the canon of Scripture; and the men who are really entitled to he called the ‘Leaders of the Reformation’ have a claim to more respect and gratitude than any other body of […]
ReadThese 54 sermons were preached during the last period of Calvin’s life (1554-1555). They are the mature fruit of John Calvin, the pastor and the student of Scripture, delivered over consecutive Sunday mornings and afternoons. During the week he preached on the Old Testament. The preacher knows first-hand the trials and disappointments of the pastor, […]
ReadThe arrival of the Autumn season, with the month of October in particular, ushers in a host of events, decorations, recipes—even scents—for occupants in the Northern hemisphere. Many prepare their homes both outside and in, eager for what the season will entail, while reflecting on what past Autumns have brought. This is especially true for […]
ReadTo read John Owen on the doctrine of the atonement is to encounter a unique exercise in biblical theology being channelled through rigorous reason. In The Death of Death Owen’s full rhetorical and logical prowess is on display. He handles the opposing viewpoints of his theological interlocutors with sincerity, but also with a rational severity […]
Read‘These men who have upset the world have come here also.’ — Acts 17:6 How do we motivate the millennial generation to take up the challenge of world evangelization? As I wrote last week, many define the millennial generation as those born between 1980 and 2000. In the United States roughly 75 million millennials were […]
ReadThis is considered the height of being contemporary and ‘really communicating’ to modern man. We are being urged to interweave pictures and videos during our sermons. If a new preacher is tempted to use a projector, I would suggest that you do it just occasionally at first. Don’t think that you are obliged to do […]
ReadAugustine, the son of a Roman official, was born at Tagaste in North Africa in A.D. 354. Endowed with brilliant talents, strongly motivated by vain glory and the desire of praise, he was by the age of nineteen studying and teaching rhetoric in the ancient city of Carthage. Here, with his mind bent on the […]
Read‘Do not grieve the Holy Spirit’ –Ephesians 4:30 | ‘Do not quench the Spirit’ — 1 Thessalonians 5:19 | ‘Insulting the Spirit of grace’ –Hebrews 10:29 |’Repent. . . be baptized. . . receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’ — Acts 2:38 After his resurrection and just prior to his ascension, the Lord Jesus gathered his disciples and […]
ReadLet me get my caveats out of the way first. Yes, I have preached my share of long sermons (more on that in a moment). I don’t do many 15-minute homilies. My last four sermons on the Christ Covenant website (as of Monday) were 43 minutes, 46 minutes, 46 minutes, and 36 minutes. I aim […]
ReadI met Dick in September 1961 when he took part in the opening exercises in Philadelphia of Westminster Theological Seminary’s academic year. He prayed for the almost 300 students who were the sum total of the student body at that time. He had driven there from his first congregation, Sixth Reformed Church in Paterson New […]
ReadAt last ‘Banner’ have published an edition of this greatly valued Christian classic, and have done so in a format worthy of the lasting spiritual value of the work. John Bunyan (1628-1688) wrote voluminously, his collected making three portly volumes in the definitive nineteenth-century edition (available in facsimile reprint from the Banner of Truth Trust). […]
ReadHave you ever read Charles Spurgeon for yourself? Maybe you have read about him, or heard about him in a sermon, but have never delved into his writings. Or perhaps you are well acquainted with the writings of Spurgeon, but it has been a while since you last read one of his books. Are you […]
ReadInstead of lifting my soul to gaze upon the Lord’s beauty while in a church service or reading my Bible at home, my mind drifts to my plans for later in the day, my favorite sports team, or to what is stressing me — and Satan loves it. When our minds are somewhere else, they […]
ReadRecently I was speaking in a part of the country known for its antagonism to the gospel. Church planting in that area is very hard work. The small number of confessionally strong churches are making headway, but slowly. I admire these pastors, evangelists, and church planters more than I can say; it is a pleasure […]
ReadIn the video below, Pastor Mark Johnston details why the writings of the Puritans are so impactful even today. ‘Part of the genius of Puritan literature is that they were so taken up with God, and his grace, and the provision that was made for sinners through the Lord Jesus Christ, that they opened not […]
ReadAlistair Begg, pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, is a long-time Banner of Truth magazine reader – and current subscriber! In the video below, he explains why. Are you interested in subscribing to the Banner magazine, or learning more about it? Click here for more information, or to subscribe. For one week only, when […]
ReadProverbs 26.17 says, ‘He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a dog by the ears.’ Let go of either ear and you get bitten! If the controversy raised by this book review did not belong to me, wisdom would preclude my involvement—but alas, as a Reformed preacher I […]