Resources by Banner of Truth Trust
At the end of May, men will be gathering for the US Banner Ministers’ Conference, to enjoy a time of worship, prayer and fellowship. This year we will be studying the conference theme of The Living and Enduring Word. Have a look at the videos below to learn about what the speakers will be discussing. […]
ReadTake advantage of this one week special listed below! Books on Sale ‘Hodge gives an excellent, general statement of the Reformed Faith, yet Dabney adds something beyond the general treatment of most subjects. When his method of teaching is recalled, of sending his students to the standard texts on theology (including Hodge), and then adding his […]
ReadThe Banner publishes a number of small booklets that focus specifically on life issues and important questions. These booklets are designed to be read quickly, given away to friends or inquirers, and used to stock church bookstalls. You will find that they are relevant for readers today and can help facilitate edifying discussion. This week, […]
ReadThe following are testimonials of how the Banner Magazine has helped people in their spiritual walks. ‘I am now 84, was converted in 1949, and have been a Banner of Truth supporter since the 1960s. I first became acquainted with the work of the Banner when the late Ernie Reisinger spoke at Knox Orthodox Presbyterian […]
ReadWatch pastor Rhett Dodson explain why he wrote his book, Every Promise of Your Word, and how he believes it can help you see Christ in the book of Joshua.
ReadAt a recent US Banner Ministers’ Conference we sat down with Dr. Ian Hamilton to ask him about one of his favorite Banner books, and why Christians should consider reading it for themselves. Short Version: Long Version: Only available as an eBook in North America.
ReadAt the 2016 Shepherd’s Conference, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, and John MacArthur discussed books that have left a lasting impact on their lives and ministries. They pointed out two Banner titles that we have decided to put on sale, through May 12th. Watch the two short videos below to learn why these men speak so […]
ReadWatch Hensworth Jonas, Ligon Duncan, and Ian Hamilton explain why they come to the US Banner Ministers’ Conference, and learn how the conference can refresh your soul, unite you with other brothers in the ministry and enable you to better serve your congregation.
ReadThe following are testimonials of how past Banner ministers’ conferences have helped men in their ministries. After reading the testimonials, considering registering today, to join us in Elizabethtown, PA, May 26 – May 28, 2020. ‘The Banner of Truth Ministers’ Conference is an annual event in the US which should be attractive to ministers of […]
Read‘a great little book … delightfully simple … [appendices] incredibly helpful for pastors and ministerial students.’ – Carl Trueman on Allan Harman’s Preparation For Ministry. In the Notes below are links to selected online reviews of Banner titles, mostly posted October/December 2015. The views expressed are of course those of the respective bloggers/reviewers. For each […]
ReadNote: the Cyber Monday 2015 sale is now over, but there are still great deals available on Banner books through the end of the year. The Banner is running a 48-hour sale to help you pick up some excellent Christian books this Christmas season. In addition to our ongoing Christmas Sale, we have come up […]
Read‘it is now possible for multitudes of individuals from all generations and from all over the world to reap the benefits and blessings of God’s gift to His church in the form of the life and ministry of one of His most able preachers.’ – Julian Bull on the Media Gratiae multimedia presentation Logic on […]
ReadSpeaking about the book A Way to Pray, Ligon Duncan says it is ‘an invaluable asset to a pastor’. Watch the short video below (4 minutes) to learn why he believes that.
ReadHow do we cultivate awe in the presence of God? What is Christian meditation? How will knowing Christ better help Christians in their daily walk with the Lord? Listen below to J.I. Packer and Mark Jones as they discuss some of these searching questions. Also, learn more about Mark Jones’ new book Knowing Christ, which […]
ReadConflict and Triumph was first published in 1874. With a pastor’s heart, the author, William Henry Green, opens up the meaning of the Book of Job. He explains the structure of the book, the role played by each of the participants, the significance of their speeches and the bearing of each part on the overall […]
Read‘A most enjoyable new book about old authors and their continuing influence.’ – Fred G. Zaspel on You Must Read: Books That Have Shaped Our Lives. In the Notes below are links to selected online reviews of Banner titles, mostly posted May/June 2015. The views expressed are of course those of the respective bloggers/reviewers. For […]
ReadOn October 28, 1949, twenty-two year old Jim Elliot, then completing his studies at Wheaton College, Illinois, wrote in his journal: He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose. In less than seven years he had given his life as a missionary in Ecuador, attempting to […]
ReadDuring the 2015 Inerrancy Summit, three Banner Trustees (Ian Hamilton, Iain Murray and Sinclair Ferguson) addressed a gathering of seminary students on the topic of ‘Books to Read in the Ministry’. Steven Lawson, a professor of expository preaching at The Masters’ Seminary, introduced the students to the Trustees present and to the ongoing work of the […]
Read‘Iain Murray’s latest work is a brief, accessible biography of Carmichael, I knew I had to give it a go. I’m glad I did.’ – Tim Challies on Amy Carmichael – ‘Beauty for Ashes’: A Biography. In the Notes below are links to selected online reviews of Banner titles, mostly posted March/April 2015. The views […]
ReadThis is the final week of the Banner mini-documentary release. These short documentaries (about 5-6 minutes each) are designed to inform you, or to remind you, about the work of the Banner of Truth Trust. Is there more to the Banner than books? What makes a Banner conference unique? What is the Banner Bookfund? Watch […]
ReadThis is week two of three, where we have been unveiling three short mini-documentaries (about 5-6 minutes long each) to inform you, or to remind you, about the work of the Banner of Truth Trust. What makes a Banner book? How does preaching encourage reading? Watch the video below to find the answer to these […]
ReadOver the next three weeks we will be unveiling three short mini-documentaries (about 5-6 minutes long each) to inform you, or to remind you, about the work of the Banner of Truth Trust. How did the work of the Banner begin? Who were its founders? What exactly is a ‘Trust’? Watch the video below to […]
Read‘What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.’ – A.W. Tozer Cinematic Trailer What is ‘Behold Your God’? Are we sure that the God we serve is the God described in Scripture? Is rethinking Him biblically really necessary? How do we do it? How would it […]
ReadThe Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically study begins by assembling your church, small group or family to watch the session titled Introduction: Welcome to Behold Your God. Workbooks are handed out at that time and each participant in the study is expected to work through the first five days from home over the course […]
ReadCinematic Trailer When Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave a series of lectures on the subject of preaching in 1969, he coined a term that became an emblematic description of his own ministry. “What is preaching?”, he asked. “Logic on fire!” But what does it mean and how does it manifest itself in preaching? Logic on Fire: […]