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Topic Archives: Theology

The glorious doctrine of God’s redemption of sinners through the sin-bearing, sin-vanquishing death of Christ on Calvary’s cross lies at the heart of the Christian faith – and at the heart of every Christian’s faith. We believe this. We love this. We sing this. ‘In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of […]

Category Articles
Date September 18, 2012

The Psalmist asks, ‘Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?’ How, in other words, may he lead a holy life? And, in this Psalm of praise to God, he thus answers his own question: ‘By taking heed thereto according to Thy Word’ (Psa. 119:9). For, as The Shorter Catechism puts it, the Bible ‘is […]

Category Articles
Date September 13, 2012

I Wish Someone Would Explain Hebrews to Me!* So do I, and so do a lot of other believers who, reading Hebrews, find it a rich mine of Divine teaching and, sensing there is something special about it, nevertheless don’t really know quite what to make of it. Well, Stuart Olyott has done us the […]

Category Book Reviews
Date September 13, 2012

Until recently the name of Archibald Brown was just a name to us. We must confess, however, how interested we have become in reading his biography1, and now with pleasure we have read his sermons (twenty-two in the book2), and commend them to our readers. It will be said, ‘There is not the depth that […]

Category Book Reviews
Date September 11, 2012

. . . wrath and indignation on the contentious, on those who disobey the truth, who obey unrighteousness. There will be tribulation and distress for every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek. Romans 2:8-9 In August 79 A.D. the people of Pompeii awoke to nearby Mt. […]

Category Articles
Date September 7, 2012

Richard Phillips is the Senior Minister of Second Presbyterian Church in Greenville, South Carolina, USA. The seven terse and insightful chapters of this brief work on The Death of the Saviour1 cover John 19:13 to John 19:42. The chapters first began life as sermons preached to the author’s Greenville congregation. No doubt, they have been […]

Category Book Reviews
Date August 17, 2012

Who is the Wretched Man of Romans 7? In Romans 7 we find the statement, ‘O wretched man that I am!’ It is made by no one less than the Apostle Paul. A question that is often asked is, does he speak here as a regenerate or unregenerate person? The answer to this question is […]

Category Articles
Date August 10, 2012

From the Foreword by Michael Reeves, which gives us a helpful summary of Thomas Goodwin’s life, we learn that The Heart of Christ in Heaven Towards Sinners on Earth1, was first published in 1651. It soon became Goodwin’s most popular work. The book is in three parts. In the first, entitled, ‘Outward demonstrations of the […]

Category Book Reviews
Date July 31, 2012

Divine Conduct, or The Mystery of Providence can be found in Volume 4 of Flavel’s Works, published by the Trust.1 It is also available separately in a Puritan Paperback edition, The Mystery of Providence.2 For this review, Volume 4 of the Works was used, and the page numbers cited correspond with that. John Flavel (JF) […]

Category Book Reviews
Date July 24, 2012

Then Ezra blessed the Lord the great God. And all the people answered, ‘Amen, Amen!’ while lifting up their hands; then they bowed low and worshipped the Lord with their faces to the ground. Nehemiah 8:6 God had promised through Jeremiah a return from the exile after seventy years (Jer. 25:11-12, 29:10) and indeed God […]

Category Articles
Date July 12, 2012

The doctrine of creation is one of the most fundamental areas of the Bible’s teaching. The first statement of Scripture is: ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth’. It was he who did so; it was not evolution – a random, uncontrolled process – that brought everything into existence. And God created […]

Category Articles
Date July 10, 2012

Puritan Paperbacks which is the series into which this volume fits, may be familiar to some readers, and they will know what to expect from this addition to it, under the imprint of The Banner of Truth Trust. The latter is to be thanked for re-printing the 1861 edition of Goodwin’s treatise. It would have been […]

Category Book Reviews
Date June 16, 2012

The Christian life is lived at the intersection of the ages, this present age and the age of the world to come that has already, in Christ, punctuated this present age. In Christ, believers are a ‘new creation’ (2 Cor. 5:17). Paul does not mean here that believers are inwardly renewed men and women, but […]

Category Articles
Date June 8, 2012

What would you say is the fundamental doctrine of the Christian Faith? For many of us, the instinctive answer would be, ‘justification by faith alone, in Christ alone’. There is no doubt, or should be no doubt, that this is a biblical and evangelical fundamental. Didn’t Martin Luther describe justification by faith alone, in Christ […]

Category Articles
Date May 4, 2012

This book is aimed at those new to the Christian faith who would like to understand more about 66 books that make up the Bible. After an excellent introduction, there is a chapter devoted to each book (except for 1 &2 Chronicles which are considered together). Pastor Crooks first of all outlines the background and […]

Category Book Reviews
Date April 24, 2012

The title above, as many readers will recognize, is from answer 16 of the Westminster Shorter Catechism (and Larger Catechism 22). It expresses a central truth of Scripture and reflects the universal confession of the church about Adam. Why then the added question mark? Not because non-Christians widely reject this truth, as they have for […]

Category Articles
Date March 23, 2012

‘How did we get here?’ is a question that is always relevant and often illuminating. Yet contemporary evangelicals don’t ask it as often as they should. In his book Revival and Revivalism: The Making and Marring of American Evangelicalism, 1750-1858,1 Iain Murray tells a story that helps explain how evangelicals – Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, and […]

Category Book Reviews
Date March 20, 2012

Today [November 30, 2011] more than a million public-sector workers in the United Kingdom are on strike. Yesterday the Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered his autumn statement, which made clear the limited prospects for growth in the British economy this year and next, a situation which led analysts to predict that living standards in 2015 […]

Category Articles
Date January 20, 2012

Francis Nigel Lee died on December 23, 2011 in Australia. One thing he left behind is the story of the conversion of the man who murdered his father. In April 1994, I was invited to fly round the world and expound the Lord’s Prayer in the USA during September. Having acquired the plane ticket, as […]

Category Articles
Date January 20, 2012

The conversion testimony of Kevin McGrane, elder of Bury St Edmunds Presbyterian church. I was raised in a Roman Catholic family, my father having been born in Dublin of Roman Catholic ancestry. Baptism, Confession, Holy Communion and Confirmation followed in regular course. After junior education under Ursuline nuns, I moved to a boys’ grammar school […]

Category Articles
Date January 17, 2012

But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. (Hebrews 2:9) The apostle has been referring to the fact that man was originally made a little lower than […]

Category Articles
Date January 6, 2012

Big events call for big celebrations – parties, food, balloons, streamers, noisemakers. But when God sent his Son to be born in Bethlehem, he came with much less worldly celebration than you might expect. In fact, many of the circumstances of Jesus’ birth, as recorded in Luke 2, were downright pitiable. What does God want […]

Category Articles
Date January 6, 2012

. . . if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9) Mainline Methodist minister Martin Thielen recently made this the title of a book he wrote in hopes of winning to the Christian faith sceptics, atheists, […]

Category Articles
Date December 23, 2011

It was the late Professor John Murray who pointed out that there was nothing supernatural in the emergence of Jesus from the womb of Mary – what we usually refer to as the ‘birth.’ The whole process of foetal and embryonic development was normal. We are told that when Mary’s ‘full time’ had come, she […]

Category Articles
Date December 16, 2011

On All Hallows’ Eve 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses or Statements to the door of the parish church in Wittenberg. Luther had little idea at the time of how incendiary these Theses were to become. But in God’s sovereign providence the Theses ignited a movement of protest that became the Protestant Reformation, and the […]

Category Articles
Date November 22, 2011