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Yearly Archives: 2001

In order for a Christian to live a life of God-glorifying worship, he or she must grow in the knowledge of God’s word. In other words, he or she must study doctrine. Let’s look at three reasons why sound doctrine is essential to true worship. Doctrine provides a right understanding of God’s person and character. […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2001

May 3, 1895 – April 17, 1987 The Early Years In the northern part of Holland in the province of Groningen is a small town called Grootegast. In the town lived the Reinder Van Til family. The grandfather was an owner and manager of an inn. Reinder also considered himself a theologian. He and his […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2001

Friday evening, December 1, Dr Duane Gish debated Dr Massimo Pigliucci for the fifth time. The debate was at the Church of Christ of Winchester, Virginia, before an audience estimated at 1200. Dr Pigliucci, a native of Italy, has a Ph.D. in Botany from the University of Connecticut and is an Associate Professor of Botany, […]

Category Articles
Date February 1, 2001

‘I need not tell you of this who knew him, that it was his great Design to promote Holiness in the Life and Exercise of it among you: But it was his great Complaint, that its Power declined among Professors. It was his Care and Endeavor to prevent or cure spiritual Decays in his own […]

Category Articles
Date February 1, 2001

Last thing at night, when our children were small, I often secretly watched them as they slept: there they lay, breathing rhythmically, almost imperceptibly, relaxed, at ease, enjoying ‘the sleep of innocence.’ But man–perhaps especially a father–looks on the outward appearance. What of the heart on which God gazes? Wearing biblical lenses we come to […]

Category Articles
Date February 1, 2001

A Faith Worth Sharing: A Lifetime of Conversations about Christ, by C. John Miller (Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed. 1999) This book, written by one of the more noteworthy Presbyterian evangelists of the twentieth century, was edited posthumously by Dr. Miller’s daughters, Barbara and Roseann. In an introductory note, they write: ‘These are the […]

Category Book Reviews
Date February 1, 2001

It’s what mothers’ worst nightmares are made of–the last thing Jason and Trina Baker expected as they headed out into a blizzard in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on January 2, 1999. And because it was so unexpected, it was all the more horrifying when it happened. As they headed out into the gathering storm for a […]

Category Articles
Date February 1, 2001

The Founders Journal is a quarterly Magazine committed to historic Southern Baptist principles and indispensable for ascertaining the reformation going on in that Convention. It is edited by Dr Tom Ascol of the Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida. In the current edition the Baptist Dr Roger Nicole, the Visiting Professor of Theology at […]

Category Book Reviews
Date February 1, 2001

This testimony of the new American President’s journey of faith been has widely circulated on the Internet. We long that his faith grow and he become a courageous and wise leader of the greatest nation in the world. * * * Actually, the seeds of my decision had been planted by the Reverend Billy Graham. […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001

Every three years the Urbana Mission Convention, sponsored by the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, takes place in Urbana-Champaign. As usual more than 20,000 students, missionaries and others attended this year. The Convention ended on January 1. In the past John Stott and Eric Alexander have been some of the men giving the morning Bible readings. This […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001

The phrase ‘Third Way’ is so seductive. It suggests that the tension between the locked in polarities of evangelical and liberal, or Protestant and Roman Catholic can be overcome by a third option. ‘If only there were more discussion, prayer, trust, give and take, leading of the Spirit, our antagonisms could come to an end.’ […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001

The Summary of an Address given by Iain Murray at the Carey Conference 2001 at Swanwick. During the Second World War a Scot who was in the services and visiting London went to Westminster Chapel but the Chapel was closed, damaged by bombing, but on a piece of paper visitors were directed to a nearby […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001

I’m writing about the ‘worship’ service we attended Sunday, Christmas Eve morning. I suppose I’m typing these words as much as a catharsis as to inform you. Early on I decided that if I had to endure such an experience, I might as well take notes and use the event as a reservoir of illustrations. […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001

Blue Peter is the most famous and popular children’s TV programme in Great Britain. This Christmas it chose the best children’s book for 2000. Most of us expected it to be the latest Harry Potter yarn which has swept the globe, but to our delight the book it chose was a new edition of Pilgrim’s Progress. […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001

It is one of the conceits of the carnal mind that it thinks itself capable of discerning and understanding the designs of God. The unbeliever thinks he fathoms God and finds the Almighty wanting. The deluded believer hesitates to embrace the teaching of Scripture unless he thinks he perceives the divine design in it. Those […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001