Yearly Archives: 2002
To sin by silence when we should protest Makes cowards of us all, The world has ris’n on protest. The Rev. Henry W. Coray died on October 21 2002 aged 98, His wife Betty is 96 years old. They were married for 71 years and had four children. Coray had studied under Machen in Princeton […]
ReadThis means that all knowledge-including academic knowledge-finds its proper meaning only in reference to Him. Christ, the Logos as well as the Lord, lays claim to all of academia [On November 23 and 24 the Pollard Park Evangelical Church in Bradford, Yorkshire, held their church anniversary services, and I was the speaker. The church hired […]
ReadHe had hardly been there a matter of months before a great work of God began there. From the mid 1730s a great revival had broken out in England, Wales and America. by Paul Cook [An address at the Revival and Reformation Conference, Swanwick, November 20, 2002] 200,000 tourists go to Haworth every year in […]
ReadThe world scoffs, Where are the signs of his coming? Show us your God in our day! "Christ will come in judging power and come when he is least expected." by David Carmichael Chapter 2. The Prize of the Waiting Prophet There is a multi-dimensional prize from God. The Lord is determined to communicate to […]
ReadAs I sit here this side of death I look ahead with fear and yet with hope. I do not want to die yet. by Ruairidh D. Macrae It has been a long journey from when I sent my first e mail about being diagnosed with cancer back in early 2001. My first encounter with […]
ReadSadly, we live in a day when that once (and still) noble word "Protestant" has fallen on hard times. by Ian Hamilton Last month I attended the Annual Cambridge Lecture sponsored by the Protestant Truth Society. Sadly, we live in a day when that once (and still) noble word "Protestant" has fallen on hard times. […]
ReadReform leaders said they could not allow the appointment of Rowan Williams as Archbishop of Canterbury to go ahead quietly. They spoke against his false teaching, prayed for him, encouraged evangelical parishes to take action, and set up a fighting fund to help parishes whose bishops make their lives difficult. Speaking at the Reform Conference […]
Read"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15). To ease another’s burden, help carry it." by David Cassells I have a tale to tell and, despite embarrassed reticence, I have the permission of its subjects to tell it. Every time I open my wallet I think of Murdo John. Not […]
ReadThe way of knowing more of God lay in a renewed determination to move closer to God. If he is gong to comprehend more of God he has to get as close as he can to God. This is good procedure by David Carmichael [At the annual Revival and Reformation Conference held in Swanwick November […]
ReadWhy wasn’t God answering the prayers of his people? The darkness was spreading. Where was God? Habakkuk was perplexed by David Carmichael [At the annual Revival and Reformation Conference held in Swanwick November 18-20 2002 David S. Carmichael gave three stirring messages on the preaching of the prophet Habakkuk. He has been the minister for […]
ReadThrough persecution Christians were widely scattered and thus the gospel was spread. From Antioch Paul went out and it became the centre of missionary expansion by Paul Cook [A message given at the conference for Reformation and Revival in Swanwick, England on November 19, 2002 and summarised by Geoff Thomas.] We learn of the great […]
ReadTESTIMONY OF A YOUNG MAN For about 6 months before this camp I had been troubled in my mind about questions such as ‘Is there really a God?’ and ‘How can I know for sure?’ by Gary Brady [The following testimony was given by a young man of 16 at a recent meeting in a […]
ReadSpurgeon once said that Methodism was a noble thing for the unconverted but terrible for the children of God. The same observation might be made of Anabaptism. Just as Spurgeon was converted at a Primitive Methodist chapel, I was awakened from spiritual darkness through sermons from an Anabaptist tape ministry. I even learned much from […]
ReadGOD’S ETERNAL, HOLY LAWby John Peter Bodner 1 God’s eternal, holy Law Saint and sinner, hear with awe: Ten Commandments God alone With His finger wrote in stone. 2 What doth He require of thee? Love to God , and charity To thy neigbbour , this with all Heart, and strength, and mind and soul. […]
ReadNOURISH EVERY GRACE Also you have to feed your love. This is the most indispensable of all the graces without which we are Geoff Thomas God has filled the life of the Christian with all the glorious young plants of faith, love, assurance, peace and joy. Maybe at the moment of your conversion God […]