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Yearly Archives: 2002

JOEL BEEKE IN KOREA – PART 1 "I can’t get enough of Reformed theology," he said. "I’m convinced it’s biblical and is the right answer for the shallow Christianity I find in my congregation." September 25, 2002 We have had a wonderful trip to Korea. Here is a brief summary of our itinerary. Bracketed parts […]

Category Articles
Date October 10, 2002

THE CHRISTIAN TESTIMONY OF CONDOLEEZZA RICE I started to think of myself as that elder son who had never doubted the existence of the Heavenly Father but wasn’t really walking in faith in an active way any more. Miss Condoleezza Rice (47) is the American National Security Advisor. She has reached the highest political office […]

Category Articles
Date October 10, 2002

QUESTIONS FOR YOUNG MINISTERS by Isaac Watts, D.D. 1] OF FAITHFULNESS IN THE MINISTRY. Do I sincerely give myself ‘to the ministry of the word;’ Acts 6.4. and do I design to make it the chief business of my life to serve Christ in His Gospel, in order to the salvation of men? Do I […]

Category Articles
Date October 7, 2002

ADDRESSING THE UNCONVERTED It is true, the Lord can, and I hope He often does, make that preaching effectual to the conversion of sinners, wherein little is said expressly to them, only the truths of the gospel are declared in their hearing by John Newton Sir, In a late conversation, you desired my thoughts concerning […]

Category Articles
Date October 7, 2002

CHARLES G. FINNEY: THE ARCHITECT OF MODERN EVANGELISM He tried methods no one else would and almost everything he tried worked. by Thomas R. Browning [Part of larger work entitled "C.G.Finney: The Architect of Modern Evangelism," presented by the writer to the Department of Pastoral Ministries of Dallas Theological Seminary in April 2001] When the […]

Category Articles
Date October 7, 2002

JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH IN THE THEOLOGY OF NORMAN SHEPHERD Although Shepherd makes use of much orthodox terminology, I argue that he has articulated a doctrine of justification that is persistently ambiguous and that redefines the relationship of faith and works in a way at odds with the traditional, biblical doctrine by Dr. David Van Drunen […]

Category Articles
Date October 3, 2002

by Dr Fred Malone [For my wife Debbie in the trial of cancer] Introduction A time of suffering is a personal privilege with so many prayers and concerns. We appreciate it and feel it. But Debbie and I feel so many of you have and are going though greater trials than we have yet to […]

Category Articles
Date October 3, 2002

A WORD TO ORGANISTS The main parts of a Christian public worship service are simply the Word of God and prayer – the Divine instruction and initiative, and the human responseby D.L. Van Halesma Every pastor, organist, choir member, and worshiper has his views about church music. These views may be mere reactions to the […]

Category Articles
Date October 3, 2002

THE CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE Christians should speak out on these public issues because we know that God’s way is the best way – even for people who have no belief in God Back in 1988 a small group of Christians met near Loch Rannoch to discuss many concerns including an ambitious proposal from Colin Hart and […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2002

HOW SHALL WE THEN WORSHIP? The greatest threat to the unity of Reformed evangelicals may not be our doctrinal differences but the possibility that we may be approaching a situation in which some may not be willing or able to worship together by William H. Smith Several years ago two of my sons moved to […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2002

REMEMBERING ‘THESE FORTY YEARS’ It is interesting to consider how the Lord was at work through individuals in several countries during the 1950s to bring about the recovery of the doctrines of grace and the setting up of a conference which was to have such a crucial influence on the worldwide spread of the Reformed […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2002

MAN’S RAGE, GOD’S PRAISE the important thing for us to do is not to consult our own reactions, emotional or otherwise, on this anniversary, but to bring this event before God by William H. Smith It’s too early to tell whether September 11, 2001, will prove to be “the day that changed America.” But there […]

Category Articles
Date September 27, 2002

TRUTH WORTH LIVING FOR AND PROCLAIMING I am deeply disappointed to see that the denominational officialdom and many dear brothers through the years surrendering their minds and wills to this all-inclusive mess of pottage. The Rev. Dr. Ben Wilkinson, one of the original ministers of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), has issued a statement […]

Category Articles
Date September 27, 2002

THE GOSPEL IN SIBERIA 2002: PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS by Roger Weil My journey to Siberia this year lasted two and a half weeks taking in four main centres, Nizhnivartovsk, Tiumen, Tobolsk and Nyagan. My thanks to those of you who prayed for me along the way, thus enabling me to bring help and encouragement to […]

Category Articles
Date September 27, 2002

In 1920 and 1921 Arthur Pink was engaged in an itinerant ministry in California preaching to hundreds of people in various locations, often in a tent, and meeting up with some of the leading Plymouth Brethren Bible teachers of his day, including Harry Ironside. He wrote faithfully to his friend I.C. Herendeen of Swengel, PA. […]

Category Articles
Date September 24, 2002