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Yearly Archives: 2002

DISCOVERING CHRIST The human aspiration is to seek and find in many walks of life. How doomed is any civilisation which has lost that search. by Meirion Thomas [Meirion Thomas is the minister of Malpas Road Evangelical Church in Newport, South Wales, and on the Tuesday evening of the Evangelical Movement of Wales Conference in […]

Category Articles
Date August 25, 2002

CALLED TO SERVE There was the sunshine of God’s grace and it was preached by Isaiah as no other prophet preached it by Stuart Olyott At the annual Evangelical Movement of Wales Conference in Aberystwyth in August 2002 this opening message on "Called to Serve" was given by Professor Stuart Olyott of the Evangelical Theological […]

Category Articles
Date August 25, 2002

WE COULD USE A LITTLE HELP DOWN HERE by William H Smith My father, who’s been in heaven since 1988, inadvertently taught me about praying to the saints. I was struggling with what to say and do with one of my sons who seemed to be adrift. We met for breakfast one morning, and as […]

Category Articles
Date August 16, 2002

NO KIDDING Children are a covenantal blessing. Children are not an unmixed blessing, and I would quickly disabuse any starry-eyed romantic who thinks otherwise by William H Smith There was a time when we thought there might be no kids for us. We were scheduled for a doctor’s appointment to discuss among other things the […]

Category Articles
Date August 16, 2002

MARRIAGE: IF AND WHOM 50% of all marriages end in divorce, and there is no statistical difference between believers and non-believers when it comes to the likelihood of a failed marriage by William Smith Our Scripture Readings are Genesis 26:34,35; 27:46; 28:6-9; I Corinthians 7:7-9, 39 & 40 and our text is, "She is free […]

Category Articles
Date August 16, 2002

A SON PAYS TRIBUTE TO A CHRISTIAN MOTHER Mrs. Louise Otten, the mother of Walter Otten, the editor of the Lutheran weekly newspaper, “Christian News,” died in her 92nd year on June 25. Her son has written this tribute to his mother in the Christian News, and so opens a window on evangelical Lutheranism in […]

Category Articles
Date August 16, 2002

HEAVEN IS BEING WITH CHRIST Heaven means Jesus Christ, that is, being with Jesus. That is the only heaven there is. It is Christ’s home and he is never away from his home for a moment. by Geoff Thomas Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was often asked why we are not told more in the New Testament […]

Category Articles
Date August 13, 2002

DEATH IS A DEPARTURE The greatest reason the apostle believed in life after death was his never to be forgotten encounter with the risen Lord Jesus Christ as he was on his way to arrest and imprison followers of Jesus Christby Geoff Thomas Paul saw death as a ‘departure’ (Philippians 1:23). He does not see […]

Category Articles
Date August 13, 2002

CHRISTIAN HOPE IN DEATH "What benefits do believers receive from Christ at death? The souls of believers are at death made perfect in holiness, and do immediately pass into glory, and their bodies, being still united to Christ, do rest in their graves till the resurrection."by Geoff Thomas What are the common characteristic views of […]

Category Articles
Date August 13, 2002

CHRISTIANITY AND EDUCATION The early Christians believed in basic teaching for every church member, whether a child or a new convertby David Feddes Jesus and most of his early followers were Jewish. Many Jewish families emphasized education and wanted their sons to learn a trade in order to earn a living, as well as learning […]

Category Articles
Date August 13, 2002

BANNER OF TRUTH MINISTERS’ CONFERENCE, LEICESTER, APRIL 2002 Some 370 men, from a variety of countries, listened to a fascinating account of the progress of this annual gathering, which began in a modest way by Frank. J. Orna-Ornstein The Rev. Iain H. Murray gave the opening address, "Forty Years on – 1962-2002", at this year’s […]

Category Articles
Date August 9, 2002

BALANCING THE NEED TO EVANGELISE AND BUILD IN POLAND I strongly believe that in our daily work in the church we cannot forget about what we have. Most important are the people by Wieslaw Kamyszek When we read in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 2 and verses 41 to 47 we […]

Category Articles
Date August 9, 2002

CALVIN’S INSTITUTES AFFECTING SICILY TODAY That night my heart was full of love for the Lord, but also a new feeling, more specific, had filled my heart; love and pain for those souls that live in sin and away from Him by Roberto S. Torre At the end of 1992 the Lord Jesus called Roberto […]

Category Articles
Date August 9, 2002

SEVEN YEARS IN PINEDA DE MAR, SPAIN by Diego Guirao It has been seven years (though it seems like only yesterday) since my family and I arrived in Pineda de Mar, with the hope of serving the Lord in this work, together with Bernard Coster’s family and some brethren. We continue the work with that […]

Category Articles
Date August 4, 2002

THE PERILS AND VALUES OF READING The greatest of dangers is to play off intellectual culture against spiritual fervour – we need them both by Geraint Fielder There are two verses in the New Testament which highlight the battle for the mind of man; a battle which was going on in the days of the […]

Category Articles
Date August 4, 2002