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CREATION IN THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, LONDON It is not uncommon for Christians to feel oppressed by the heavy emphasis on evolution and naturalistic, anti-Christian sentiment in science museums. From the commentary and interpretation in many museum displays one would think that all legitimate scientists agree with Darwin, and that creation is a concept accepted […]

Category Articles
Date February 16, 2002

FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD – OUR HIGHEST PRIVILEGE In our communion with God we are so prone to look first into our own hearts to see what love to Christ is there The highest privilege a Christian can enjoy this side of eternity is fellowship or communion with God. John holds out the prospect of communion […]

Category Articles
Date February 12, 2002

FEEDING SHEEP OR AMUSING GOATS The mission of amusement fails to effect the end desired. An evil resides in the professed camp of the Lord so gross in its impudence that the most shortsighted can hardly fail to notice it. During the past few years it has developed at an abnormal rate evil for evil. […]

Category Articles
Date February 12, 2002

ALLEN GARDINER COMMEMORATED They were the first Protestant missionaries to attempt to make Christ known to the indigenous people of South America. In Faith Cook’s “Singing in the Fire” (Banner of Truth) the heroic story of Captain Allen Gardiner is recorded, as one of fourteen biographical sketches. It is the most accessible record of that […]

Category Articles
Date February 4, 2002

OTHERS LABOURED: WE ENTERED INTO THEIR LABOURS As a congregation we inherited a living tradition of historic Christian teaching enfleshed in the lives of hundreds of people across the Principality. When I returned to Wales from three years’ study in America in 1964 I did not come into a wilderness. I came into a prepared […]

Category Articles
Date February 4, 2002

There are 7 characteristics that qualify Spurgeon as a helpful guide to preachers who need strength to preach through adversity. At five minutes past eleven on Sunday night, January 31, 1892, the prince of preachers, CH Spurgeon, died. The following useful summary of his ministry was written by John Piper. SPURGEON WAS A PREACHER He […]

Category Articles
Date February 4, 2002

CONCERNS ABOUT NIV REVISIONS The various NIV translations are being affected by a feminist agenda. “The latest revisions are not the words God originally caused to be written, and thus they are not the words of God,” Wayne Grudem has written. “They are human words that men have substituted for the words of God, and […]

Category Articles
Date February 4, 2002

WHY THE LEGAL RIGHTS OF COHABITATION SHOULD NOT BE EXTENDED Marriage is based on lifelong commitment and discharges these mutually beneficial tasks more effectively than cohabitation A bill has been introduced in parliament by Lord Lester of Herne Hill calling for the legal protection of cohabitation to be extended. It comes at a time when […]

Category Articles
Date January 25, 2002

BRAZIL AND HOPE FOR THE FUTURE Brazil is a fertile country, with its warm-hearted people drawn from many nation Four days up the Amazon from the ocean, and more than another four days from the Andes where that river has its sources, lies the town of Manaus. Despite its remoteness, it equals Birmingham, U.K., in […]

Category Articles
Date January 25, 2002

DR. JOEL BEEKE’S EXPERIENCE IN RIGA LATVIA I would then literally talk to myself — “Focus on Jesus! Focus on Jesus!,” and would again feel God’s intervening grace. [In early January Dr Joel Beeke flew to Latvia to give a series of lectures and to preach. While he was In Riga he was attacked, robbed, […]

Category Articles
Date January 25, 2002

THE NEW INFALLIBILITY AND INQUISITION: THE ESCHATOLOGY OF DISASTER It’s unrealistic to say that everything is getting better. But we need to get a sense of priority. For example, the level of pollutants is dropping dramatically in the developed world. The future, as taught by the nabobs of the international environmental movement, is that the […]

Category Articles
Date January 25, 2002

THE CAREY CONFERENCE: January 8 – 11 Swanwick. God uses that which the world despises to know God through his Son Over 100 people gathered for the annual Carey Conference at Swanwick from January 8-11. The first evening speaker was Earl Blackburn of Los Angeles who spoke on the Theology of the Cross. Earl Blackburn […]

Category Articles
Date January 21, 2002

“BUT…YOU MUSTN’T BLAME YOURSELF.” Since the Enlightenment the idea of ‘sin’ – an offence against God – was replaced by the idea of crime – an offence against man, today men find it difficult to attribute the act of sinning to human behaviour Fred Furedi’s brilliantly perceptive article begins, “One upon a time there were […]

Category Articles
Date January 21, 2002

The question is not whether Christians have a task in this world or not, but what this task consists of and what is the Scriptural basis and warrant for it Cornelius Pronk is a graduate of Calvin Seminary and pastor of Brantford Free Reformed Church, Ontario. He is radio pastor of the Banner of Truth […]

Category Articles
Date January 21, 2002

THE TRANSFORMING WORD Imagine taking up in your hands Christ’s own copy of the Scriptures and, turning the pages, noting the passages that were meaningful to Him An old Army pensioner was talking about a recent experience. He had been rummaging through a closet when he’d come across the small Bible he’d carried with him […]

Category Articles
Date January 21, 2002