The subject before us relates to problems which we encounter in prayer. What do we really mean by prayer? The definition which we should be familiar with is that given by the Westminster Shorter Catechism. It is worth committing to memory: xPrayer is an offering up of our desires unto God, for things agreeable to […]
ReadIt should be remembered that by the Lord’s appointments, all sorts of people can legitimately marry and receive His blessing by Palmer Robertson For some cultures today marriage is a thing of past generations. Parents and grandparents may have married but people today don’t bother with marriage. Current customs and tax-breaks don’t require it, so […]
ReadCould Winston Churchill have spoken to the English speaking world as he did during the struggle with the Nazis if he had not spoken of the realities of those times in the emotional qualities of those realities? by Geoff Thomas How emotionally Paul can write to the Philippians. He says things like “I feel this […]
ReadDARWINISM IN A FLUTTER In this book we have an account of flawed fraudulent Darwinists cooking the books to ‘prove’ a theory right by Geoff Thomas One remembers the BBC Schools Series on Evolution in the 1970s and Miss Medawar from that illustrious family giving her best shot with all the cool confidence of a […]
ReadTHE 2002 PASSAGGIO REFORMED CONFERENCE IN ITALY The eighth annual conference of the reformed publishers ‘Passaggio’ took place at a new venue this year. Some fears had been expressed beforehand that moving the conference farther south to the town of Misano on the Adriatic coast would deter some of the participants of past years from […]
ReadTHE INSTANT TRACK TO SAINTHOOD – REGENERATION The same strategy is going to be adopted for the present pope after his days are over. He will be canonised through people claiming miracles have been done when they prayed to him and he too will be pronounced a ‘saint’ by Geoff Thomas This word ‘saint’ occurs […]
ReadREVIVALS TRUE AND FALSE In short, a revival shows itself to be genuine by its effects upon the religious, the fraternal and the missionary life of the church. [The following fascinating piece is extracted from the chapter on Revivals of Religion in the Writings of Thomas E. Peck, (Banner of Truth Trust, 3 volumes, hbk)] […]
ReadA Kingdom Which Cannot be Shaken Are you surprised that we have had two world wars already in this century? Are you surprised at the piling of these horrible armaments? Are you surprised at the confusion, the collapse, of so many institutions at this present time? [This sermon was preached by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on […]
ReadTHE PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS OF CALVINISM What, then, are the personal implications of Calvinistic thought and truth both in the life of the individual and in the ministry exercised by the individual ? by Al Martin B. B. Warfield describes Calvinism as ‘that sight of the majesty of God that pervades all of life and all […]
ReadThe hearts of all mankind are closed to the gospel, to the preaching of the word, the beseechings and invitations of the Lord. by Geoff Thomas Lydia’s home town was four hundred miles away in Thyatira a city famous for its dyes (there is an early inscription to a guild of dyers there). Lydia was […]
ReadThe death of Christ is the first fact of the Christian Gospel, and its interpretation the first work of a apostolic preaching by Samuel Chadwick The Gospel of the Cross is that ‘Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that he was buried; and that He hath been raised on the third […]
ReadHe has provided pilots and captains – whom He calls pastors and teachers – whose duty it is to obey His directions, to study and follow the chart, and to explain and commend it to others by G. Liebenrood Some years ago, I was crossing the Atlantic Ocean from Quebec to Liverpool, in the liner […]
ReadARE THERE CARNAL CHRISTIANS? Exclusive Principles by James R. Graham The expression “carnal Christian” is not a New Testament term. In fact it is a complete contradiction in terms. A “Christian” is a “Christ-One” – joined in vital relationship to Christ as Lord and Head, and by virtue of this union, indwelt of the Spirit […]
ReadJAMES BARRY 1641-1719 : THE ONLY REFUGE OF THE TROUBLED SOUL The All-Sufficiency of Christ in the Life and Writings of James Barry (1641-1719) by David N Samuel James Barry, I believe, exemplifies in a remarkable way, in his life and writings, this great truth of the Christian faith – the all-sufficiency of Christ as […]
ReadDOUBTING GOD by C.H .Spurgeon “And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul. “-1 Samuel 27:1 The thought of David’s heart at this time was a false thought, because he certainly had no ground for thinking that God’s anointing him by Samuel was intended to be […]