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Review: Our Great God and Saviour

Category Book Reviews
Date November 15, 2010

This is a marvellous read. Based on sermons given at various conferences by the author, the book focuses on three areas of Biblical truth: the character of God, the salvation of God and the church of God.

Each of the 16 chapters is a model of Christ-centred expository preaching. There is a clear structure to the message that flows from the text, interesting illustrations and searching application. Overall the content is doctrinally rich, clear and deeply nourishing.

Mr. Alexander is at his best describing the character of God and especially God’s greatness, holiness and faithfulness. However there are gems all through the book – every elder should read ‘the four laws for Christian service’ and every believer will benefit from ‘the purpose of the church.’

Mr Alexander is a retired minister in the Church of Scotland. Although a regular conference speaker, few of his sermons have been published. I hope that this book will herald a change and that more will follow.

This review was first published on The site has been closed as of March 2019.

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