Review: Silent Witnesses
What an excellent book, a brilliant series of studies on theologians, witnesses, pastors and fathers of the church that both clearly and concisely tell us not only about the people themselves, their times and their beliefs but in so doing helps inform us about our own faith, theology and beliefs – especially if you are from a reformed tradition. After all the future is written on the past and without first understanding where we come from how can we truly understand where we are and where we yet have to go. Jonathan Edwards, Calvin, Tyndale and others are here, silent witnesses in the way of all witnesses that have gone before but ones that speak loudly. Foundational characters one and all, and I loved the chapter that dealt with Puritan Psychology, indeed this chapter really made the book for me. If you have even a passing interest in Puritan theology then you really need to read this chapter for fresh insight and enjoyment. A great church history book but one that sets its sights radically on today’s church.
This review was first published on This site has been closed as of March 2019.
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