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Topic Archives: Scripture

If anyone in the ancient world wanted to know how to write, he read Marcus Fabius Quintilianus’ Institutio Oratorio. Among other things, Among other things, Marcus pleaded that if you wanted to win the assent of your readers you must begin with a ‘courteous and natural opening.’ Sounds like sane advice. However, when Paul wrote […]

Category Articles
Date August 10, 2010

The word reveal means ‘to uncover.’ Suppose there is a plate of cookies on the table covered by a towel. When the towel is removed, then you can see what’s there – a plate and cookies. You see what you could not see before. When we use the word revelation in theology, we are talking […]

Category Articles
Date September 26, 2008

‘How Liberal Theology Infected Scotland’ is a deeply instructive short article1 written by R. A. Finlayson, the late professor of Systematic Theology in the Free Church College in Edinburgh. Finlayson attributed the nineteenth century infiltration of Liberalism into a confessional Church to wrong priorities by the leaders. He wrote: …not content with opening three colleges, […]

Category Articles
Date August 12, 2008

There’s a lot of talk in the Christian world concerning humility and the handling of God’s Word. Prominent in this discussion are some of the statements emanating from America’s branch of the Emerging Church. According to this school of thought, humility as applied to Scripture entails a sense of uncertainty about Scripture’s meaning, message, or […]

Category Articles
Date November 2, 2007

Memorizing Scripture seems like a daunting task for many of us. Why is that? For some, the memory is not as good as it used to be, or at least as we remember that it was! “I have a bad memory” is often used to justify not even attempting to memorize God’s Word. Still others […]

Category Articles
Date April 27, 2007

A pilgrimage to faith in the integrity of Scripture Enough things are lost in the average church to make some sort of lost-and-found department necessary, even if it is only a drawer in a desk somewhere. Church coatrooms often contain an interesting selection of old hats, overshoes, umbrellas, and gloves. Human memory being what it […]

Category Articles
Date April 20, 2007

PAY FULL ATTENTION! ‘If no sin was unpunished in the Old Testament, how can any be in the New?’ Every good preacher should be able to state things as succinctly as the writer to the Hebrews has done; but no preacher worth his salt is content with doing only that. He knows that things have […]

Category Articles
Date April 3, 2002

CONCERNS ABOUT NIV REVISIONS The various NIV translations are being affected by a feminist agenda. “The latest revisions are not the words God originally caused to be written, and thus they are not the words of God,” Wayne Grudem has written. “They are human words that men have substituted for the words of God, and […]

Category Articles
Date February 4, 2002

THE TRANSFORMING WORD Imagine taking up in your hands Christ’s own copy of the Scriptures and, turning the pages, noting the passages that were meaningful to Him An old Army pensioner was talking about a recent experience. He had been rummaging through a closet when he’d come across the small Bible he’d carried with him […]

Category Articles
Date January 21, 2002

THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD JOHN 19:1 “THEN PILATE TOOK JESUS AND HAD HIM FLOGGED”. The Word from God affirms that ‘without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins’, and that points to something absolutely basic and fundamental in the very nature of who God is, the being of God. It is eloquent […]

Category Articles
Date November 16, 2001

For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.’ — Romans 10:3 ‘For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going’. . . We have, so far, been dealing with the first two verses, and have seen that certain general […]

Category Articles
Date July 4, 2001

At the end of the Banner of Truth ministers’ conference in Messiah College, Grantham, Pennsylvania, on June 1, Sherman Isbell took me to Baltimore airport and on the way we called in at the Green Mount Cemetery to visit the grave of Dr J. Gresham Machen. He is buried next to his parents and his […]

Category Book Reviews
Date June 1, 2001

The Chairman of the University Debating Society, Gerard, attends our church on Sundays and Tuesdays. He asked me if I would take part in the weekly debate on Thursday March 15th, making the proposition ‘That this house believes in Creation rather than Evolution.’ So I said I would. How many attend, I asked. As low […]

Category Articles
Date April 1, 2001

You will appreciate that much of my time is devoted to the endeavor of applying the Word of God to individuals, as well as to the gathered congregation. The public ministry of the Word is accomplished through preaching. The private application of the Word to individuals, or couples, or families is done through counseling. I […]

Category Articles
Date April 1, 2001

For years, feminists have waged an increasingly successful struggle to strip the Bible of patriarchal language while claiming such alterations will lead to no further Biblical cleansing. Now the slippery slope is confirmed. A recent article in the Jewish Telegraph tells of recent success in an 18-year campaign by retired Jewish publisher Irvin Borowsky to […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000