In the first place, Scripture clearly teaches us that neither we nor our services are acceptable to God. To the most religious people in the world at that time God said: Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and Sabbaths, the calling of assemblies. by John M. Brentnall […]
ReadIt was the conjunction of these two factors – the searching nature of Christ’s dealings with us and the high standard of Christian character required of us by God – that produced in Dr Duncan a self-knowledge rarely surpassed in Christian biography by John M. Brentnall (A lecture delivered by John M Brentnall at a […]
ReadAs a model of ministerial faithfulness, heavenly-mindedness and self-effacing humility, he had few equals and perhaps no superiors. by John M. Brentnall This year marks the tercentenary of the birth of Jonathan Edwards on October 5, 1703. While we wish to take nothing from Him who declares: "I will not give my glory to another […]
ReadThis new movement has forged yet another idol out of the warped imagination of man, for it posits a god who neither fore-knows the future nor fore-ordains it by John M. Brentnall Professor Watt of Belfast used to say that the Reformation took place without the help of Arminianism, and that when it eventually entered […]
Readit is argued that if God’s redeeming purpose is universal in scope, why should we any longer accept Christianity’s arrogant claim to be the one true religion? by John M. Brentnall From time to time the question is asked as to how many shall be saved. Shall all, regardless of their creed, worship, character and […]
ReadIt is a great attainment to lie passive in God’s hands, and know no will but His. [Of all the Reformed writers in the 19th century, none was more doctrinally sound, experientially searching and practically realistic than William S. Plumer (1802-1880). A graduate of Old Princeton, Plumer was widely known as pre-eminently a preacher of […]
ReadIf Saul the blasphemer could be welcome at the Lord’s Table, so can you and I. by William Smith Reading: Leviticus 24: 10-23 After Job lost his wealth, his children, and his own health, his wife advised him: "Curse God and die" (Job 2:9). In a curious way, it was not bad advice to give […]
ReadInstead of rejoicing, our Lord broke out with violent weeping and He tells us why. It is because of things He knew. A Sermon of Maurice Roberts Reading: Leviticus 24: 10-23 "And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in […]
ReadInstead of rejoicing, our Lord broke out with violent weeping and He tells us why. It is because of things He knew. by Ian Hamilton The Church of Christ is full of unsung heroes. They do not, on the whole, possess the kind of spiritual gifts that get them noticed and give them a" name". […]
ReadIt seems that especially at times of "new beginnings" the LORD shows the reality of His judgment to His people that they may fear Him. by William Smith Text: Leviticus 10: 1-7 One of the things I most look forward to, if the Lord wills, is attending my son Jeremy’s ordination to the ministry. I […]
ReadOne way that we can step out of our own world and out of our own prejudices is to step over into the world of the fathers. This is one excellent way of testing ourselves. At the annual Greenville Theological Seminary Conference in Taylors, South Carolina on March 12, 2003 Dr. Joseph Pipa in introducing […]
ReadAfter the debate, President Joseph Pipa asked the audience how many there who had come to the debate wondering about the issue, had been swayed to lean in one direction or another as a result of the debate. Several dozen hands went up. When he asked how many had been absolutely persuaded as a result […]
ReadNow how do we serve God in His glorious presence? One thing is to serve theLord is to bring to Him praise and thanksgiving and adoration with greatjoy and exuberance by Dr Joseph Pipa At the Greenville Seminary Conference in Taylors, South Carolina on March 11, 2003 Dr. Joseph Pipa, President of Greenville Presbyterian Theological […]
Read“The great issue here is that music is one of the most effective ways in which our souls are moved and in which our minds are informed. At Taylors, South Carolina, on March 12, 2OO3, at the Greenville Seminary Conference on Worship, Dr. Robert Godfrey gave an address on Contemporary Christian Music. He began this […]
Read"One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple." by Terry Johnson At Taylors, South Carolina on March l2, 2OO3 Terry […]
ReadHistoric Protestantism is different from evangelicalism in its current incarnation. But is historic Protestantism really Catholicism without a Pope and a Mass? by William Smith This is a time in the history of the church when to speak the language of historic Protestantism is to sound suspiciously like a Roman Catholic I believe that, if […]
ReadPostmodern believers want to use all of their senses, stressed Hall. They want smells and bells. They want to see icons and statues, as well as drama and digital clips from movies. They look for God in nature, as well as scripture. Geoff Thomas writes, "I am a Celt, born and bred in Wales. We […]
ReadThe great danger the church faces today is the separation of our theology from our practice or the viewing of the Bible as somehow separate from theology by Dr Robert Godfrey In Taylors, South Carolina on March 11, 2OO3, at the Greenville Seminary Conference on Worship, Robert Godfrey, President of Westminster Theological Seminary in California, […]
ReadWhat are we to make of this all? We should understand that the wonders of all creation manifest the glory of God by William Harrell The Lord tells us not to despise the day of small things, for they are always connected to greater things. Our family is currently going through some pain and perplexity. […]
Readby Phyllis Hunt, C.S.S.M. 1955. GENESIS tells how it all began The world, redemption, sin and man. In EXODUS we plainly see How God can set His people free. LEVITICUS shows the way to God Only through sacrifice and blood. In NUMBERS the tribes in order stand – Ready to take the promised land In […]
ReadEvery species of cockney was abroad in the dark and dingy-looking streets, all walking with their heads stuck forwards, their noses turned up, their shins pointing down, their knee joints shaking, as they shuffled along with a gait perfectly ludicrous but indescribable by Geoff Thomas Francis Parkman is best known for his account of "The […]
ReadLet us make this, then, our first goal – to see God as He really is – and as He is revealed to us in His Word; and to see and understand not just the truth of His Sovereignty but the many, many truths He has revealed about Himself. by SAM DOHERTY, Northern Ireland If […]
ReadThe gospel which these men believed and preached and whose praises they sang so theologically, so experimentally, and so warmly, is the same gospel which our land cries out for again, and will remain restless and in darkness until its truth dawns with power upon the mind and sets the soul right for eternity. by […]
ReadWe are to preach the Word, and if we do it properly, there will be a call to a decision that comes in the message, and then we leave it to the Spirit to act upon people Early in the 1970s Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones was the speaker at a ministers’ conference in the USA and […]
ReadThe glory of God is all that God is, it is the outshining of his glorious attributes. Of this glory we are "joint heirs with Christ" by Ian Hamilton Is it not to our great shame that we live such pedestrian lives when we are a people with an unspeakably glorious destiny? Perhaps you don’t […]