‘If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema maranatha.’ Remember it is an old man that tells you so.’ At the Westminster Conference in Westminster Chapel Wednesday 11 December 2002 Rev. Stephen Clark of Bridgend spoke on Archibald Alexander beginning by quoting these words of his given near the end […]
Read[The following outline of a talk on worship was presented in November to the Men’s Fellowship at Maesycwmmer in the Rhymney Valley, 12 miles north of Cardiff in South Wales. Sixty men meet each month and discuss basic truths. Last year they studied the order of salvation. After the paper was presented there was forty […]
Readhe thought it absolutely necessary that some comfort should be administered to the multitudes of his dying fellow men; and that, as he could have no prospect in the exercise of his ministry equal in usefulness to the one which now offeredby Geoff Thomas The first paper at the Westminster Conference in Westminster Chapel on […]
ReadThe primary bond of the conscience derives from special revelation and the secondary bond from providential and voluntary arrangements. God alone has the power to bind the conscienceby Geoff Thomas At the Westminster Conference in London in Westminster Chapel on 10th December 2002 Philip Craig of Dunwoody near Atlanta, Georgia, gave a paper on the […]
Read"We need to also avoid using technical terms such as justification by faith because it doesn’t mean anything to them," said Attallah. "The message of the gospel is powerful, but sometimes we are an obstacle in proclaiming it to others." by John Van Dyk The quiet construction of mosques in various urban locations throughout North […]
ReadHow irrelevant the gospel message must seem to the world if the Archbishop of Canterbury thinks it is irrelevant to him. by Geoff Thomas It was an extraordinary opportunity presented to Dr Rowan Williams the newly-installed Archbishop of Canterbury. He was asked to choose a subject and give the prestigious Annual Dimbleby Lecture to the […]
ReadAccording to Jones, the sleeping church is characterized by forgetfulness and lack of proper mindset – one of humbleness, of right perspective on our sin, of comprehension that we are no longer civilians, but are in God’s army. by JAN MACOR CALGARY, CANADA. Is it possible for a church to sleep in the Light? It […]
ReadFor we are a mystery, even a contradiction. When science (so-called) seeks to explain us in purely humanistic, evolutionary terms, we rebel. by Ian Hamilton "Man is an enigma, whose only solution can be found in God." So wrote Herman Bavinck, the great Dutch theologian. What Bavinck wrote is immediately applicable to fallen men and […]
ReadWhere in Luther’s day up to 500 young men prepared for the ordained ministry, there are only 95 now, plus some others studying to be religion teachers. by Uwe Siemon-Netto Two centuries before the Enlightenment, the Elector Frederick the Wise of Saxony made a highly enlightened move. He founded in Wittenberg a University that charged […]
ReadFrom the start MARS has enjoyed a solid core of financial supporters from the Dutch Reformed community and a steady stream of students. This basic formula for success has remained unchanged since John P. Elliott DYER, Indiana. If Mid-America Reformed Seminary is judged by the goals of its founders, then it has "failed." MARS […]
ReadTruth is supposed to be stranger, stronger than fiction, for ours is the strangest of all possible worlds: Middle Earth seems morally simple by comparison, while the world beyond Harry Potter’s railway platform is childishly predictable American Calvinists are enthusiastic about The Lord of Rings’ films. Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, a Fellow of Queen Mary, University of […]
ReadHas the Reformation misunderstood Paul? by Doug Barnes The question is central to New Testament scholarship today, particularly for the school of thought known as the "New Perspective on Paul" (NPP). And the question formed the theme of a recent lecture series by Dr. Richard B. Gaffin Jr., sponsored by Mid-America Reformed Seminary of Dyer, […]
ReadFurthermore, parents of young children are taking an important step by training their sons and daughters to be still and quiet. They are taking the steps necessary for a child to participate in the worship of Walter J. Chantry There certainly is no Bible verse which tells when children should begin attending worship services. […]
ReadThe moment I uttered these words, my burden rolled off my back and I knew that I was free. Joy now flooded into my heart and I began to praise the Lord. He had taught me a new song. by Moshe Radcliff [On September 25th H.R. Moshe Radcliff died. His testimony appeared in the Presbyterian […]
Read"Is Jesus God?" asked a member of the presbytery. "No," she replied. "He was filled with the spirit of God." by Parker T. Williamson WOODSTOWN, N.J. The United Presbyterian Church, USA, Presbytery of West Jersey, by a vote of nearly 3-1, has welcomed into the ministry a candidate who would not affirm the full deity […]
ReadThis means that all knowledge-including academic knowledge-finds its proper meaning only in reference to Him. Christ, the Logos as well as the Lord, lays claim to all of academia [On November 23 and 24 the Pollard Park Evangelical Church in Bradford, Yorkshire, held their church anniversary services, and I was the speaker. The church hired […]
ReadTo sin by silence when we should protest Makes cowards of us all, The world has ris’n on protest. The Rev. Henry W. Coray died on October 21 2002 aged 98, His wife Betty is 96 years old. They were married for 71 years and had four children. Coray had studied under Machen in Princeton […]
ReadI have read through part one of Bunyan’s story four times now (Spurgeon read it over one hundred times!), and my love for it increases with the passing of years by Brian C. Hedges It has been said that, next to the Bible, the most read book in the English language is John Bunyan’s classic […]
ReadAs I sit here this side of death I look ahead with fear and yet with hope. I do not want to die yet. by Ruairidh D. Macrae It has been a long journey from when I sent my first e mail about being diagnosed with cancer back in early 2001. My first encounter with […]
ReadThe world scoffs, Where are the signs of his coming? Show us your God in our day! "Christ will come in judging power and come when he is least expected." by David Carmichael Chapter 2. The Prize of the Waiting Prophet There is a multi-dimensional prize from God. The Lord is determined to communicate to […]
ReadHe had hardly been there a matter of months before a great work of God began there. From the mid 1730s a great revival had broken out in England, Wales and America. by Paul Cook [An address at the Revival and Reformation Conference, Swanwick, November 20, 2002] 200,000 tourists go to Haworth every year in […]
Read"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15). To ease another’s burden, help carry it." by David Cassells I have a tale to tell and, despite embarrassed reticence, I have the permission of its subjects to tell it. Every time I open my wallet I think of Murdo John. Not […]
ReadReform leaders said they could not allow the appointment of Rowan Williams as Archbishop of Canterbury to go ahead quietly. They spoke against his false teaching, prayed for him, encouraged evangelical parishes to take action, and set up a fighting fund to help parishes whose bishops make their lives difficult. Speaking at the Reform Conference […]
ReadSadly, we live in a day when that once (and still) noble word "Protestant" has fallen on hard times. by Ian Hamilton Last month I attended the Annual Cambridge Lecture sponsored by the Protestant Truth Society. Sadly, we live in a day when that once (and still) noble word "Protestant" has fallen on hard times. […]
ReadThrough persecution Christians were widely scattered and thus the gospel was spread. From Antioch Paul went out and it became the centre of missionary expansion by Paul Cook [A message given at the conference for Reformation and Revival in Swanwick, England on November 19, 2002 and summarised by Geoff Thomas.] We learn of the great […]