Jesus rejects the worship of the Pharisees saying their worship was futile because they were teaching their doctrines rather than God’s doctrines. They were worshiping according to their will rather than according to His will. In Taylors, South Carolina on March 11th 2003, the Rev. Mr. Terry Johnson, Senior Minister at Independent Presbyterian Church in […]
ReadTonight we are going to observe the New Covenant counterpart of the Old Covenant Passover. We are going to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. This morning I want to answer the question, "What does this mean?" by William Smith You may have heard the story of the little Catholic boy who accompanied his Protestant friend to […]
ReadGod’s sovereignty means He does what He wants to do, when He wants to do it and without having to give an explanation for why He did it. Most of our church members give verbal assent to the sovereignty of God, even agreeing with this definition. by Roger Ellsworth Every pastor knows the difficulty of […]
ReadIn order to fulfill our call, each May, Passaggio holds a national conference where more then 200 of evangelicals from the North join together to hear the Word of God. by Andrea Artioli As you know Italy has never been touched by Reformation because the Catholic Church killed all our reformers during the 16th cent. […]
ReadCalvinism isn’t a produce stand from which we can pick and choose which doctrines we wish to keep and pass over the rest in a sort of hermeneutical reprobation. Calvinism is an interwoven system of theology which must be accepted or rejected as a whole. I can still remember the relief I felt when I, […]
ReadDisney has understood that much of the contemporary Church Growth Movement is about entertainment. Why support an entire church building with a not-so-good praise band and food court when customers can have great Gospel entertainment and food for the commitment of a $30.00 ticket byJack Cascione Southern California religion is as diverse as its population. […]
ReadConscious of the sovereignty of our Lord, that he is also the Lord of the harvest, we go on praying and preaching the good news of the Gospel. We are sure that the Lord will establish his work as in the past, and in spite of the main difficulties of this century, the Lord will […]
ReadThe biblical command to persevere is one that we all continually need. It is a call to faithfulness, and yet it is also an affirmation that somehow, in spite of our failures, God will bring His committed people through the difficulties and concerns of life to their promised destiny in Christ by David Cassells A […]
ReadAs our western society sinks ever deeper into materialism and hedonism, the church must take an uncompromising stand, as Paul did on Mars Hill, and confront the secular establishment with the truth by Dr. David N. Samuel, Devizes, Wiltshire The prevailing philosophy and outlook of our age is secular and materialistic. This view has gained […]
ReadEdwards’s careful analysis of genuine faith emphasized, in sum, that it was not the quantity of emotions which indicated the presence of true spirituality, but the origin of such emotions with God and their manifestation in works in accord with the law of God. Mostyn Roberts of Welwyn spoke aat the Leicester Conference of the […]
ReadNone of our family relations will be right unless we fear God. This is the soul of godliness – fearing Him by DEREK THOMAS OF REFORMED SEMINARY, JACKSON, MS. In marriage sin and reconciliation operate in its communion, in the fellowship of the ring. Paul’s view of marriage is that the church exists as the […]
ReadMartyn Lloyd-Jones was right when he said that "if your preaching of the gospel of Gods’ free grace in Jesus Christ does not provoke the charge from some of antinomianism you’re not preaching the gospel of the free grace of God in Jesus Christ." by Ian Hamilton NO OTHER GOSPEL The previous article dealt with […]
Readlet us be encouraged with the knowledge that our wise and loving heavenly Father is committed to and knows how to plant and cultivate perfect desires in His beloved children by William Harrell It is common for a pastor to hear various members of his flock lament over the apparent disinclination the Lord has to […]
ReadWhat comfort can we have from a belief system that maintains that we are the result of hundreds of millions of years of illness, pain, suffering and death – for this is what evolution teaches. This is in contrast with the Biblical teaching that death is the result of Adam’s sin, and that one day […]
Read(Banner of Truth Ministers’ Conference 2003) by Ian Hamilton, Cambridge. Do you know the sheep? I was once in a fine church talking to a godly elder who wept saying, "This is the first pastoral visit I have had in 18 years." If you are not convicted of pastoral visiting then you are not fit […]
ReadThe great question that confronts us all is: how can a holy and righteous God ever be reconciled to unholy and unrighteous sinners? How can I ever be put right with God? How can the holy One who inhabits eternity ever be righteously reconciled to me, a judgment-deserving sinner? by Ian Hamilton "OUR GREATEST NEED" […]
ReadPaul is picturing two men here. There is Adam and there is Christ. It is as if there are only two men in the whole cosmos, Adam and Christ. And all these two men do, they do for those they represent. They are representative heads, they are covenant heads. And what Adam does, he does […]
ReadThe Times announced on Saturday April 12 2003 that Dr Rowan Williams, the newly appointed Archbishop of Canterbury of avowedly modernist convictions had been invited by the National Evangelical Anglican Congress to attend their conference in Blackpool in September and speak to them. The following address was given at a Conference of the British Evangelical […]
ReadLet us teach our people that if they do not agree with the prayer, let them keep silent, but if they agree then let them at the close say loudly, Amen! by Stuart Olyott 1. Our theme is public prayer. Public and private are intimately linked. If you do not pray in private but pray […]
ReadMark Johnson of Grove Chapel, Camberwell, and the Opening Sermon of the Conference: "To the Praise of His Glorious Grace." Ephesians 1:12 Out of the many contentious issues the church wrestles with is the question of what is the church and why does she exists? She is in an identity crisis. There are mission statements […]
ReadAs Femi preaches on Acts and Romans and Galatians and Ephesians, the Albanian church will be confronted by Pauls testimony on every page. It will take huge grace for the church to grasp and to apply Pauls words. by Stephen Rees, Grace Baptist Church, Stockport, Manchester. It was 4 am when we left the house […]
ReadDr. SINCLAIR FERGUSON: "THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION." RECONCILIATION (1) by Dr Sinclair Ferguson Our subject is reconciliation, its meaning, message and ministry. How important in a conference like this to concentrate of the Lord Jesus and his ministry. It is possible to go to the gospels and to preach systematically but to major on the […]
ReadHis body broken and his blood poured out for our salvation. And as He gives Himself and all the benefits of His sufferings and death to us, we in turn give ourselves to Him, singing, "Here Lord I give myself away, ’tis all that I can do. by William H Smith "I have to go […]
ReadHistorical judgments are unavoidable. Whether they rest upon personal biases, or ideology, or faith, everyone makes evaluations of history, historical figures and the direction of nations by Dr. Schultz “History is just a way of separating the good guys from the bad guys:” That’s what I sometimes tell my students, and they like this practical […]
ReadMaggie Paton’s letters ought to be read alongside Paton’s autobiography. James Paton wrote that he was eager to publish these letters because "they present another picture of mission life and experiences in the New Hebrides from that portrayed in the now famous Autobiography of her husband by Joel Beeke The story of John Gibson Paton […]