Here’s What You Said About Charles Spurgeon
Have you ever read Charles Spurgeon for yourself? Maybe you have read about him, or heard about him in a sermon, but have never delved into his writings. Or perhaps you are well acquainted with the writings of Spurgeon, but it has been a while since you last read one of his books. Are you unsure if reading Spurgeon is for you? Have a look below at the testimonials we have received from Banner e-newsletter subscribers, on how the writings and life of Spurgeon changed their lives.
Testimonial from Ron Wood:
Although this is not the same thing as reading Spurgeon himself, Iain Murray’s biography, The Forgotten Spurgeon turned my theological world upside down (or right side up, depending on how you look at it). I had always loved Spurgeon’s evangelistic fervor but when I understood the theology that ignited that fervor, it revolutionized my understanding of Scripture. Additionally, seeing all the attacks that Spurgeon received from those within the church due to his theological position and how he graciously yet firmly responded was a great encouragement to a younger pastor like myself. One of my earthly heroes for sure.
Testimonial from Michael A. Logsdon
Charles Spurgeon was the man God used to reshape and refuel my affection for the gospel. I went through a period of fasting from contemporary celebrity mega-pastors by devoting myself to reading at least one Spurgeon sermon a day for a year. The reservoir of gospel thoughts and illustrations continue to enrich my own preaching even now. What’s more, Spurgeon quotes, when they are shared, still inspire God’s people to erupt in a chorus of “Amen!” I have shared countless times his simple, laser-focused story of preaching election to a group of Methodists until they cried hallelujah over it and still it results in transformed minds and hearts. I praise God for Spurgeon’s faith and devotion to the gospel. Oh, how God has spoken to me through his submitted and humble vessel.
Testimonial from Jen David
To share Spurgeon with others is such an incredible opportunity. I’ve been an avid Spurgeon reader since I was 12. Over the years I’ve given away many copies of Morning and Evening, finding it my absolute favorite book. Trying to pick one quote is difficult, but it would have to be this: ‘It is not thy hold of Christ that saves thee, it is Christ.’ His emphasis on the sovereign power of God to save, sanctify, and keep us is something we all should remind ourselves of daily. The way he writes brings such conviction of truth and points directly to Christ. One cannot read Spurgeon without seeing The One who gave him hope and the desire to share Him with the world. We all can benefit and be challenged by his powerful writing.
Testimonial from Brett Kruschke
As many do, I consider Spurgeon my favorite old-time preacher. He seems to have the best grasp of God and his immutable traits as anyone I’ve listened to, and he has such a great way of relating God’s Word to his fellow man in such a colorful and convicting way. He has been a great blessing to my faith and he’s among those I most look forward to meeting someday in heaven.
Testimonial from Zachary Anderson
I began reading C.H. Spurgeon while I was in college. At that young age, I was an Arminian and an avid evangelist in the town where I went to college. I found the writings of Spurgeon to help me tremendously — to know how to express the truths of the gospel. About that same time I began to study doctrinal issues related to God’s sovereignty and our salvation. I soon discovered that Mr. Spurgeon was a strong Calvinist. His love for the lost and eagerness to convey the truth found in the death of Christ helped me to navigate some very difficult waters. And my seminary years were filled with encouragement as I read commentaries and sermons by Spurgeon. Learning to preach with the help of Spurgeon’s book, Lectures to My Students, kept me from succumbing to the desire of congregations to hear watered down and moralistic sermons.
In my first years as a pastor, I continued to read Spurgeon’s writings. I had two different sets of his sermons at that time, both were five volumes. I read him very regularly. We saw many conversions in the congregations we served and I would say that was chiefly due to an emphasis on preaching faith and repentance — recognizing, as Spurgeon did, that even people who congregate with us are not necessarily converted.
Later in my ministry I was able to purchase the entire set, some 67 or 68 volumes of his sermons. I used to begin my day by reading a sermon from one of them. I was on a pace to read through all the volumes in 11 years (4-5 per week) when we were called to serve as missionaries to Mexico. Alas, I had to sell the set! I still read him almost every week.
I had an electronic version of his sermons at that time, before coming to Mexico, which gave me the ability to search topics and ideas. I found it fascinating to study a topic and find out where and how Spurgeon used a particular idea in his sermons — a study that would benefit any pastor. Doing this study, you will see both tremendous insights of his, as well as references that don’t fit his messages, showing us he was but a man too.
Testimonial from R. Kent Blessing
In his Morning by Morning and Evening by Evening devotional compilations, I have found a sure and sturdy resource that consistently brings me back to center…which is only, truly, found at the cross of Christ. As a layman, who wants to faithfully serve the Lord in His local church as a servant, teacher and leader, I am most grateful to Mr. Spurgeon’s ability to ‘personalize’ the gospel without compromising its universalism — it isn’t really about me, it’s about the glory of God. And, I thank Mr. Spurgeon for constantly reminding me of that fact and bringing me back together with Christ.
Testimonial from Teryl Keohane
My introduction to Spurgeon was through the bibliographies of John MacArthur’s books. After poking around on the internet I discovered the ‘Spurgeon Archive’ and ‘Spurgeon Gems’ and began printing reams of his sermons and writings. Spurgeon speaks to every man, high and low, rich and poor, saved and lost. Many of his words I have noted in my favorite Bible and I turn to his teachings time and time again.
I would soundly recommend EVERY Christian read through All of Grace at least once per year because it helps to keep one on track and humble. I would also recommend A Defence of Calvinism, not only for the message but also for his statement on the pre-eminence of our Lord.
Spurgeon has a preaching/teaching style that, at once, draws the listener (reader) into the subject matter and makes one think. He illustrates his messages with the best and worst of those daily occurrences that befall all of us, helping to diagnose our ills and offering the only solution that can heal our wounded souls and strengthen us for another bout of all of life. He brings faith into practice where the rubber meets the road and ALWAYS points to Him who died and who intercedes for us.
Every time I read Spurgeon I have a revival inside.
My last Spurgeon read was Hatred Without Cause. I’ve read through it twice wondering at the animosity towards Christ AND His followers. For the Christian as well as the non-believer it presents the ultimate case for our Lord’s perfections, mannerisms, words, compassion, mercy and grace. It’s a grand essay on the fact that there is absolutely no reason to reject Christ save that we are simply and inherently evil. This sermon really sets me meditating on the reasons we have for rejecting Christ. There aren’t any and I am currently working this into my gospel presentation.
Please read Spurgeon. His writings explain many hard truths, why they are hard, how we can understand them and how the bible ‘fits’ different teachings from the OT and NT together to pierce our hearts and draw us into worship.
My ‘take home’ from Spurgeon is ‘flee despair’ and that from a man who knew.
Testimonial from Rebecca Goings
God has used Spurgeon’s writings in my life in a powerful way. I don’t remember how I was introduced to him, but his words captivated me from the first. As a writer myself, I couldn’t help but stand in awe of Spurgeon’s elevated prose, and I knew that through his words, God was showing me how He uses a sanctified pen for His glory.
I devoured many books and countless sermons, and it was at Spurgeon’s own recommendation from yesteryear that I first began to read the Puritans. It is through his zeal for Christ that I came to learn and believe in the doctrines of grace. It is by reading his decadent words that God has taught me a high view of Himself, that Christ is altogether lovely, that there is none beside Him, that He alone outshines all other glories.
Through Spurgeon’s high view of God, I came to understand the same, and began more voraciously reading and studying my Bible. I pursued a greater love for Christ, and hid long and often in my prayer closet. I believe God has used Spurgeon, both yesterday and today, as a testimony of what His grace can do in a sold-out heart. My own Christian life has been greatly inspired by Spurgeon’s deep love for Christ. He lifted up the beauty of Christ in such a way as I had never seen Him before. The blazing fire in Spurgeon’s heart, even now as I read him, continues to stoke the tiny flame in mine, all to the glory of God.
Testimonial from Keith Keyser
For about 6 years I have been systematically reading through Spurgeon’s sermons (I’m now working through Volume 17.) I also have extensively used his Morning & Evening devotional and his Treasury of David (commentary on the Psalms.) My soul has been greatly refreshed by his Christocentricity. His preaching clearly flowed out of his love for the Savior and much precious time spent at our Lord’s feet. I’ve also appreciated his high commitment to Scripture rather than dogma according to human tradition. While he’s well-read in the Reformers, Puritans, and other giants of Christian history, he’s not a slave to their opinions. Like a good Berian, if he found it in the Scripture, he added a hearty amen and used it. Lastly, I’ve deeply appreciated his incorporation of rich Christian hymnody. His quotations are varied among many different authors and theological fields of thought. Yet the lyrics he chooses appropriately illustrate the points that he’s making in his sermons. In short, Spurgeon was a tremendous gift to the Church and his writings continue to address the same issues that we face in the 21st century, namely God’s greatness and glory, His wonderful saving work, His plan for the ages, and the need for people to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. I heartily commend his works to any serious minded believer or to anyone who is seriously seeking the Savior.
Testimonial from David Ledgerwood
Forty years ago, my wife purchased the three-volume set of Treasury of David for my 25th birthday. Several years ago, I began reading it each day as part of my private devotions, copying each verse, and then underlining and copying Spurgeon’s comments that especially resonate. I am currently on Psalm 108 and have 111 pages of notes. What a rich treasure! Since I am a musician by profession, I also copy Spurgeon’s comments related to music in a separate file. I only regret that I waited as long as I did to spend extended time with this man of God. I have been enriched and challenged by his words, and heartily recommend him to others.
Testimony from Stefanie and Chris
We have been so very blessed by spending time reading devotionals and sermons by C.H. Spurgeon – his love for the Lord, the Word and the Church shine so brilliantly through his words… it’s impossible not to be swept up in his adoration!
Testimonial from Rick Jones
I try to read as much of Spurgeon as I can, at least one sermon a week, and have read his Autobiography, and many other books (which I get from The Banner), as often as I can, when I can get them. I use his notes for messages and Sunday School lessons, I pray that one day the church would see the need to return to Spurgeon’s style and power of preaching. If we only had a Spurgeon for our time now. I recommend anything of Spurgeon’s and most about him for reading.
Testimonial from William L. Krewson
Reading about Spurgeon from his contemporaries or reading Spurgeon himself, these two habits have encouraged my heart and deepened my love for the gospel for my forty years of ministry. Spurgeon’s profound use of language blended with his theological convictions produce a tonic for the soul. I prefer to alternate between Spurgeon’s own pen and various biographies of the preacher. His Autobiography is priceless for his wit, his wisdom, and his profound gratitude to our sovereign God. What a gift to the church of Jesus Christ was this man whose life was directed solely to the glory of God.
Testimonial from Traci Hinkle
I had hit a wall in my late twenties. At that time I had two very young girls, and motherhood had completely destroyed me. My marriage left me disenchanted, and everyday I was disappointed in my performance in both roles. I knew the answer was always God. My Christian walk began in third grade, so of course I knew where to turn, but I could not manufacture any measure of tenderness, patience or maturity. The guilt that I lived with stole my joy, and my inability to spontaneously produce fruit grieved me. My ‘quiet’ time was deficient. That was my fault too. I was on my last attempt to get it right. My 15-20 minutes of quiet time (which was usually interrupted) was full of topical lessons, regurgitated scripture that had been poorly digested by someone else, and principles that were extracted from scripture that I didn’t know or love. I spent my time searching for Him out of duty and felt punished. It must not be good enough if I’m still a wretched person. It all came to a head one morning when my heart deflated yet again, because I couldn’t generate the feelings no matter how many principles I broke myself on. They wouldn’t stick. I thought ‘I could walk away from this. This isn’t appealing.’
I praise God that he left me utterly unsatisfied by these means of seeking Him. I was fed up and He was so good to guide me to that. I picked up Spurgeon soon after this. I thought if everyone is going to quote this guy, I’m going to forsake all floral devotionals and all topical instruction and read him. The first sermon I stumbled on was given in 1890, Inexcusable Irreverence and Ingratitude. I’ll never forget the title. The scripture reference is Romans 1:20-21, ‘They are without excuse: because that, when they knew God they glorified Him not as God, neither were they thankful.’
You cannot read this sermon without running into Spurgeon’s palpable love for the man and savior Jesus Christ. I was broken on sentences like ‘If God is anything, we ought to make Him everything’, ‘God is infinitely glorious and unless we treat Him as such, we have not treated Him as he ought to be treated’, ‘Weep over your sin: now you have glorified him as God. Fall on your face and be nothing before the Most High: now you have glorified Him as God. Accept his righteousness; adore His bleeding Son; trust in his infinite compassion. Now you have glorified Him as God.’ I had never, not once, ever adored Him, and I knew it. The cross was in the background for years as I’d tinkered with my life. Always trying to act better. I’m so sad for the woman that I was. Spurgeon began a journey of seeking the God of the Bible. I’m 31 and I have spent the past few years pursuing my Glorious Savior who first pursued me. I’m staunch in my studies. I do not read what is not worthy of the precious little time I have. I’m still a novice, but I love Him much better. Spurgeon’s adoration and reverence revealed to me that what I was tasting was not the Lord. How valuable is that? When I thought I had Him, I had a very low view. When I found out that I didn’t, I had to look up. He increases in my view every single day. I love every word of scripture. I reject anyone who leads others in stopping short of an ever increasing view of the Most High. My journey has been time spent blowing past every errant thought I possessed and glorifying Him for all that He is and all that I can’t comprehend. It hurts to know I found my Master unappealing. He is irresistible. He. Is. Everything.
So to have a catalyst such as Charles Spurgeon to take me from ‘I could walk away from this’ to ‘I cannot move outside of this’ has left me a major fan of his.
Testimonial from Gerald White
The first I read of Charles Spurgeon was his devotional work, Morning and Evening. My father gave this book to me at a time of deep depression whilst I was serving the Lord in ministry.
The way Spurgeon wrote was a balm to my soul. He consistently pointed me back to Jesus and applied God’s truth and His promises to this pilgrim’s heart.
Spurgeon has been the best mentor a young pastor/church planter could ever wish for. Reading his Lectures To My Students and Autobiography has shown me that he was not just a good wordsmith, but was a serious, compassionate and godly man.
For any wishing to be greatly encouraged, then look no further than this man’s works; a man who stood on the truth and let the truth stand.
Testimonial from Stephen LaSpina
I can think of few other writers who have encouraged me in the Christian life like Charles Haddon Spurgeon has. His writings turn us to high views of God and ground us in Biblical truth. If you’re looking for a place to start being exposed to Spurgeon, I would highly recommend reading his classic devotional Morning and Evening. You will find your soul blessed for it.
Testimonial from Frank Cone
I’m presently preaching through the book of Psalms on Sunday evenings. Although I’ve read Spurgeon sermons for most of my ministry, reading The Treasury of David has meant more to me than I could have imagined. The exposition and choice contributions that apparently were meaningful to Spurgeon would greatly benefit any believer whether preaching the Psalms or not.
Testimonial from Jane Parrish
I choose one Puritan or other solid teacher of times past to read for each year, and this year I chose Spurgeon. I have read almost all of his Autobiography, and the impact of these accounts of his life on mine are faith building. Spurgeon’s love for God and exaltation of Christ pictures for me the life of God lived out — in the pursuit of Christ, His glory; the sanctification of all of life. I have read All of Grace, According to Promise, The Forgotten Spurgeon, The Soul Winner, How to Lead Sinners to the Savior, Sermons in Candles, Lectures to My Students. I will be reading other volumes to finish the year and will read his sermons next year. Spurgeon will get 2 focused years of reading! I am thankful to be able to enjoy these books; may they be used by God to shape me more into the image of Christ. I’ve been amazed how nothing is new under the sun. Our battles….are right there on the pages I read, and that helps me to think clearly about my times and my God in these times.
Click here to view all Spurgeon titles.
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