C. H. Spurgeon Books
During most of the second half of the 19th century, Charles Spurgeon was England’s best-known preacher, becoming converted to Christianity at the age of 15 in 1850. During the 1850s, London’s largest halls overflowed with people wanting to hear this youthful minister preach. During the 1860s, he founded the Metropolitan Tabernacle, along with a college for pastors and an orphanage, and he was already publishing sermons and a monthly magazine. He authored many books, with some of the most popular Charles Spurgeon books including Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden with its inspiring illustrations and meditations; A Defence of Calvinism, where Spurgeon explains and defends Biblical teachings about God’s grace in the Gospels; and the C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography, volumes 1 and 2. Volume 1 is subtitled “The Early Years,” while Volume 2 is “The Full Harvest 1860-1892.” The C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography is also available as a two-volume set.
Showing 1–12 of 27 resultsSorted by latest
Book Description The Pilgrim’s Progress has been entertaining and illuminating readers for over three centuries, and there can have been few readers more expert about both the book and its meaning than C.H. Spurgeon. Here we have the greatest of nineteenth-century preachers setting forth timeless truths from Bunyan, with infectious enthusiasm about his favourite author. […]
Good Tidings of Great Joy
Christ's Incarnation the Foundation of Christianity
*New for Christmas 2023* These thirty-eight meditations on Christ’s incarnation from the pen of C. H. Spurgeon are an ideal companion in the approach to the Christmas season. Indeed, they point believers just as emphatically toward the second advent of Christ, and so are a valuable guide at any time of year. Brief, powerful, and […]
An All-Round Ministry
Direction, Wisdom, and Encouragement for Preachers and Pastors
Book Description One of Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s most significant ministries was to the hundreds of preachers who were trained in the Pastors’ College which he founded. In 1865 he began an Annual Conference for these men at which he customarily delivered a presidential address. The most outstanding of these were reprinted after his death in […]
The Greatest Fight in the World
Spurgeon's Final Manifesto
Book Description By April 1891, when Spurgeon addressed the annual conference of the Pastors’ College for the last time, he was an experienced and battle-worn soldier. Spurgeon considered it the life-work of a pastor to be engaged in a crusade against error and sin. He fully appreciated what it was to ‘fight the good fight […]
Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden
Illustrations and Meditations
Book Description Do you ever underline helpful passages in books you are reading? This is exactly what C. H. Spurgeon used to do when reading the Puritans. Whilst reading Thomas Manton, he was struck time and time again by the ‘solid, sensible instruction, forcibly delivered’ that he found there. To Manton’s thoughts, Spurgeon added his […]
Help for seekers and doubting Christians about God’s way of salvation. 96pp.
No hay otro Evangelio
No Other Gospel
Book Description En el prologo del primer volumen del New Park Street Pulpit , de cuya coleccion provienen los sermones de este libro , , Spurgeon decia: ‘Recurrimos con frecuencia a la palabra calvinismo por designar esta corta palabra aquella parte de la verdad divina que ensena que la salvacion es solo por gracia.’ Y […]
Endorsements If you have never read anything of Spurgeon before, this book is for you, and a treat awaits you. If you want to press in to know Christ better, to know all he is for you and what he has done for you, read this. , MICHAEL REEVES Book Description CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON was […]
El Ganador De Almas
Winner of Souls
Book Description Spurgeon pronunció una breve serie de conferencias a los estudiantes de su curso pastoral, indicándoles que ‘el ganar almas es la ocupación principal del ministro cristiano; y, por cierto, debiera ser la de todo verdadero creyente’. Esta serie de conferencias ocupan los primeros seis capítulos de este libro. Le siguen cuatro discursos ofrecidos […]
Book Description Una de las organizaciones fundadas por Charles Spurgeon fue el Pastor’s College (1856), que después adoptaría el nombre de Spurgeon College. Fue alli donde en 1865 inició unas conferencias anuales para pastores, doce de las cuales componen este libro. Spurgeon fue un evangelista que llevó a miles de personas a los pies del […]
Sermones Del Año De Avivamiento
Revival Year Sermons
Book Description Los sermones que se incluyen en este libro fueron todos predicados en el Surrey Music Hall (Londres, 1859) y son típicos de los muchos que se predicaron allí. En ellos se encontrará la razón que explica el extraordinario éxito que en todo tiempo acompañó al ministerio de Spurgeon. ¿Qué es lo que reunía […]
Ruina y Remedio
Ruin and Remedy
Book Description Este librito contiene un poderoso mensaje predicado por Spurgeon en Londres en noviembre de 1859, año en que tuvo lugar un gran avivamiento en aquella ciudad. Basándose en Números 21:8, este famoso predicador divide su exposición en dos partes. En la primera, muestra claramente al no creyente el estado de perdición en el […]
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