C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography

2 Volume Set

Look Inside Price £34.00

Weight 1.61 kg
Dimensions 22.3 × 14.3 × 7.5 cm
ISBN 9780851512150

19th Century, Pastoral Biography



Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jun 1, 1973



Page Count


Book Description

The enduring value of this ‘Autobiography’ lies in its record of God’s grace. Through out these pages the Saviour stands above the servant. That Christ is worthy of a devotion and a service incomparably greater than any redeemed sinner can render is the supreme lesson of the book.

‘In his heart’, wrote Archibald Brown, ‘Jesus stood unapproached, unrivalled. He worshipped Him; he adored Him. He was our Lord’s delighted captive.’ Whatever Spurgeon did he did it for Christ. None can read these pages without being indelibly impressed with the author’s words, ‘there is no time for serving the Lord like the very earliest days of youth.’

Sinclair Ferguson’s First Banner Book



Submit your testimonial

  1. Christopher Staggs

    These are great books! I finished the second volume not too long ago.

  2. Robert Norman

    Only the grace of God can explain how young Spurgeon became a preacher, built on an existing church, and then planted a hugely successful church in London.
    Only the grace of God can explain the fruit of Spurgeon’s life and the lives that were touched. Only God’s grace is responsible for the highly sanctified life of Spurgeon which touched thousands of lives while he was alive and continues to do so to this very day.

  3. Robert Norman

    Note to Banner:
    This would be even more excellent abridged into one volume. 😀

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