This selection includes biblical and reformed books on various theological topics, including many books from the classic Puritan Paperbacks series. These books are both theological and doxological in their exposition of their subjects, as our deep thinking about God should lead us to heartfelt worship of Him. Some notable titles on this page include Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin, The Spirit and the Church by John Owen, and The Westminster Confession.
Showing 1–12 of 222 resultsSorted by latest

Behold My Servant
Sermons on Isaiah 52:13–53:12
Book Description Of the many sermons which Calvin preached on the Book of Isaiah between July 1556 and August 1559, only eleven were published in his lifetime. Seven of them are newly translated here, all on Isaiah’s Fourth Servant Song (Isa. 52:13–53:12). In a series of stunning scenes which have no parallel in prophetic literature, […]

Book Description The Epistle to the Romans is both a highly personal letter and an authoritative theological treatise, inspired by the Holy Spirit and penned by the Apostle Paul. It contains clear and simple truths which serve to comfort the most childlike believer, as well as intricate examinations of the purposes and mission of God. […]

The Christian Race
and other sermons
Book Description When the aged J. C. Ryle announced he was to resign from the office of bishop of Liverpool, his friends encouraged him to publish a selection of sermons as a memorial to his sixty years of ministry, from country parson to diocesan bishop. The resulting selection, chosen by one of Ryle’s colleagues in […]

Unveiling the Cross
Beholding and Proclaiming the Whole Christ
Book Description In Unveiling the Cross, Ross Blackburn examines the Isaiah 6 vision of the Lord, ‘high and lifted up,’ in the light of New Testament revelation. Why did this encounter affect the prophet’s life so radically? What did he understand of the One on the throne? How is this ‘Day of Atonement’ scene connected […]

Historical Theology is a two-volume work derived from Dr. Cunningham’s lectures to his Church History class at New College, Edinburgh between 1847–1861. Clothbound, 1408 pages.

Book Description The last words of a dying man are often worthy of being recorded. That is especially true of those spoken by Jesus Christ while dying on the cross. His seven last words have been called ‘the bright lights of heaven shining at intervals through the darkness’ and ‘the deep solemn tones which interpret […]

Reveals Warfield’s mastery of such doctrines as the Trinity, the Person and Work of Christ, Redemption, and Faith. 680pp.

Confesión De Fe De Westminster
Catecismo Menor de Westminster y algunos credos
»El fin principal del hombre es glorificar a Dios y gozar de Él para siempre« —Catecismo Menor de Westminster A través de esta nueva edición de la Confesión de Fe de Westminster, y su respectivo Catecismo Menor, queremos invitar al pueblo cristiano hispano a continuar profundizando en aquellas verdades doctrinales que han llevado […]

Deals with the subjective work of the Holy Spirit in the heart, in all its phases, from the new birth until final preparation for heaven. 368pp.

Endorsements ‘This book is both profound in its theology, lucid in its exposition, and deeply pastoral and practical in its tone and intention. Anyone wanting to dive into the doctrine of God who wants to see how classical theism connects to everyday Christian life – and what is therefore practically at stake when such theology […]

The Westminster Confession
The Confession of Faith, The Larger and Shorter Catechism, The Sum of Saving Knowledge, The Directory for Public Worship & Other Associated Documents
Book Description On 1 July 1643, the Westminster Assembly of Divines, consisting of many of the foremost theologians of the English and Scottish churches, convened at Westminster Abbey in London. Their task from the English Parliament was ambitious to say the least: to reform the liturgy, discipline, and government of the Church of England; to […]

Particular Redemption
The End and Design of the Death of Christ
Book Description ‘Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.’ In Particular Redemption, taking up these words of Titus 2:14, John Hurrion expounds the doctrine of redemption, focusing attention especially on the end and design, extent and importance of […]
Showing 1–12 of 222 resultsSorted by latest