Geneva Series of Commentaries

The Geneva Series of Commentaries include historic commentaries on biblical books written by some of the great theologians in the history of the church. Commentators like Thomas Manton and John Calvin are represented in this series. For a biblical, reformed, and historic collection of commentaries, the Geneva Series is unsurpassed. Notable titles in this series include Romans by Charles Hodge and Colossians by John Davenant.

A Brief Introduction to the Geneva Series of Commentaries

Cover image of Psalms by Plumer


a critical and expository commentary with doctrinal and practical remarks

by W. S. Plumer

price £25.00
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In Psalms, Plumer gives both exposition and doctrinal and practical remarks and presents in readable form a great wealth of material. Clothbound. 1216 pp.

price £15.50
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First expounded in Geneva in 1817, Haldane’s work has been described as unsurpassed in warmth of spirit and practical application. 736pp.

price £14.00
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One of the few truly great works on this Epistle, first published in its final version in 1864 by the great Princeton scholar. 464pp.



An exposition of the first 11 Chapters

by James Beverlin Ramsey

price £14.00


Material of outstanding worth from Dr Ramsey, Princeton graduate, pastor and missionary. With an introduction by Charles Hodge. 560pp.

price £17.00
Avg. Rating


Endorsements ‘A rich volume, dropping fatness. Invaluable to the preacher. Having read and re-read it, we can speak of its holy savour and suggestiveness. We commend it with much fervour.’ — C. H. SPURGEON Book Description The particular value of this work is that it is simply written and is a compact size. While Dickson […]

price £15.00
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A homiletical and practical treatment of the text. ‘The best work on the Proverbs’—Spurgeon. 660pp.


The Minor Prophets

Volume 5: Zechariah, Malachi

by John Calvin

price £13.50


Calvin’s great gifts as an interpreter are evident in these volumes as he opens up their rich contents concerning false religion, spiritual adultery, injustice, judgment, the remnant, the restoration and sovereign love. Over 2700pp.


The Minor Prophets

Volume 4: Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai

by John Calvin

price £13.50


Calvin’s great gifts as an interpreter are evident in these volumes as he opens up their rich contents concerning false religion, spiritual adultery, injustice, judgment, the remnant, the restoration and sovereign love. Over 2700pp.


The Minor Prophets

Volume 3: Jonah, Mich, Nahum

by John Calvin

price £13.50


Calvin’s great gifts as an interpreter are evident in these volumes as he opens up their rich contents concerning false religion, spiritual adultery, injustice, judgment, the remnant, the restoration and sovereign love. Over 2700pp.


The Minor Prophets

Volume 2: Joel, Amos, Obadiah

by John Calvin

price £13.50


Calvin’s great gifts as an interpreter are evident in these volumes as he opens up their rich contents concerning false religion, spiritual adultery, injustice, judgment, the remnant, the restoration and sovereign love. Over 2700pp.


The Minor Prophets

Volume 1: Hosea

by John Calvin

price £13.50


Calvin’s great gifts as an interpreter are evident in these volumes as he opens up their rich contents concerning false religion, spiritual adultery, injustice, judgment, the remnant, the restoration and sovereign love. Over 2700pp.

image of Leviticus by Bonar
price £14.50
Avg. Rating


This commentary is based upon sound exegesis and marked by simplicity, yet Bonar is always careful to make spiritual application. 544pp.