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The question of whether or not God will on the Day of Judgment expose to the world of men and angels the secret sins of his redeemed children is one that vexes many and is somewhat unclear to all men. On the one hand, there are passages in Scripture that appear clearly to say that, […]
ReadI have been constrained to consider the crucial importance of humility in the life of the Christian leader. My friend James has been urging on me the value of meditating on the life of Brownlow North, a major evangelist in northern England, Scotland, and Ireland during 1858 and afterwards1. North was the great torchbearer of […]
ReadPreach the word. (2 Timothy 4:2) If you would be a deep divine, I recommend to you sanctification. Samuel Rutherford We are to be labourers, not loiterers, in the Lord’s vineyard. Charles Bridges Christ’s servants have always been the world’s fools. George Whitefield The vows of God are upon us. Thomas Scott Brethren, it is […]
ReadLittle children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. Beloved, if our heart does not […]
ReadOne of the most distressing experiences of the people of God is their lack of assurance. They cannot say with confidence: ‘My Beloved is mine, and I am his.’ (Song of Sol. 2:16) At times they barely regard themselves as children of God or heirs of heaven. The most they can say on the matter […]
ReadJust as the world finished marking the 5th anniversary of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, another natural disaster of epic dimensions shattered the snow-laden news broadcasts within the United Kingdom. A 7.0 earthquake struck just 13kms below the surface of the earth close to the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince on 13th January, bringing down over […]
ReadI begin with two texts from the Old Testament which we can see are very similar. Psalm 124:1 ‘If it had not been the LORD who was on our side’. Isaiah 1:9 ‘If the LORD of hosts had not left us a few survivors’. What if the Lord were not on our side? Have you […]
ReadHow thankful to God we should be for preserving these priceless sermons and providing a translator who offers us ‘a quite marvellous gift’ (John R. de Witt). While reading them, we are conveyed back in time to St. Pierre in Geneva, where we hear this amazing man expounding and applying the Book of Beginnings with […]
ReadIan Murray has rightly titled the book Heroes: it comprises of a number of short biographies of evangelists, some well known and others less well known. All are heroes in different ways, from Spurgeon and Edwards to Hewitson and Kalley who evangelised in Madeira, or Charles and Mary Colcock Jones who evangelised among the slaves on […]
Read‘Newton’s practical and Biblical guidance in these letters epitomize the role of spiritual leadership given in Ephesians 4:12 “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ”‘ (Jeremy Walker on Wise Counsel) Below are links to selected online reviews of Banner titles posted during November and December 2009. […]
ReadWhat is the Doctrine of Election to Salvation? Election is the holy and loving choice by God of those who are to receive his grace. (Ernest F. Kevan) God chose his people in Christ before the foundation of the world . . .(Arthur Pink) God’s elect were the definite objects of his eternal love. (Arthur […]
ReadDuring this year [2009] of commemoration of John Calvin and the many discussions of his remarkable work for the Lord, one element of his ministry has been neglected. Calvin was a counsellor – par excellence. I have just read through all of his letters as they were carefully collected, edited, and published by the Parker […]
ReadIntroduction In all the extant biographies of England’s worthies, we rarely hear of one who was ‘more devout and godly’ than the writer ever knew, who not only led ‘a heavenly life himself’, but also ‘very earnestly and heartily’ laboured ‘to persuade others’ to do the same. Yet such a man was John Bradford1 – […]
ReadIt1 was customary among evangelical Christians at this date [the 1920s] to encourage the practice of giving ‘testimonies’ as a form of evangelistic witness, and equally common for ministers to include personal references of various kinds in their sermons. Given Dr Lloyd-Jones’ unusual career and its interest for the general public; given also, the spiritual […]
ReadI gave this paper on Monday November 23, 2009, in Bala at the first conference to be held in Wales specifically for ministers who had been in the pastorate for under five years. I am not sure that there are important differences between ministers who have been in the ministry five years and those who […]