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Bill Wilson’s god The beginning of Bill Wilson’s sobriety was a visit from an old friend and drinking buddy, Ebby Thatcher. When Bill offered Ebby a drink, he refused stating that he had ‘got religion.’ Ebby was under the influence of the Oxford Group. (Unfortunately Thatcher’s sobriety did not last.) The Oxford Group (not to […]
Read‘Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they did not know the righteousness that comes from God and sought to establish their own, they […]
ReadMatt Smethurst, who serves as associate editor for The Gospel Coalition and lives in Louisville, Kentucky, interviewed Dr. Joel Beeke and Dr. Mark Jones on their newly published A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life. The three introductory paragraphs are also written by Smethurst. In A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life (Reformation Heritage Books), Joel Beeke and Mark Jones offer […]
ReadThe life of Joseph has long been grist for the mill of Sunday School teachers, their pupils often hanging on every word of the story of his remarkable life. Now David Searle has lifted the narrative to a higher level with the publication of this sermon series, making it accessible to those who want to […]
Readam puzzled. I served in Liverpool as a pastor for a little over four years and got to know the city and something of its spiritual legacy quite well and yet I never came across the name of Richard Hobson. Yet his life was, without doubt, one of the most remarkable ministerial careers the city, […]
ReadOne of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at Him saying, ‘Are you not the Christ? Save Yourself and us.’ But the other answered and rebuking him said, ‘Do you not even fear God? Since you are under the same sentence of condemnation and we indeed justly for we are receiving what […]
ReadWe should develop the attitude that life is far better if we use our minds actively to whatever degree we are able, and that slothfulness of mind is an unfortunate misuse of the uniqueness God gave men. Consider these reasons for continuing our education through developing a learning posture to life: 1. Learning is exercise […]
ReadPrinceton and the Work of the Christian Ministry1 is a two-volume set consisting of addresses and articles by some of the most luminous names in the great galaxy of American Presbyterians who were connected with, or supported, the work of Princeton Theological Seminary. These excellent articles were selected and are introduced by James M Garretson and […]
ReadNo one ever became a missionary by a journey across the seas. One shows that one has truly been called to be a missionary by how one lives and speaks where ‘one is at,’ today. Hudson Taylor was one of the greatest missionaries in the whole history of the Christian church. He was born in […]
ReadDavid B. Calhoun is already the author of the highly-commended two volume history of Princeton Seminary, published by the Banner of Truth in 1996.1 He is a gifted theologian, a thorough historian, and a warm and devotionally-inspiring writer. The first six chapters of his latest work2 contain a kind of short biography of some of the most […]
Read. . . and as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed (Acts 13:48b). Without question the Scriptures teach the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation. That is – ‘[God] chose us in [Christ] before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us […]
Read‘undoubtedly one of the spiritual greats of our land, worthy of being honoured, and a reminder of the powerful impact of a godly life, lived by the grace of God, and committed to the preaching of the gospel of that grace, on the toughest and most godless environments.’ [John Brand has ‘discovered’ Richard Hobson of Liverpool!] […]
ReadIn the December 2012 issue (No. 591) of The Banner of Truth magazine, Iain Murray asked the question, ‘Where are the Best Tracts?’ As indicated in the February 2013 issue (No. 593), we received some very helpful responses to his question, although not all were included in the magazine. A number of pastors said that they wrote […]
Read. . . they spent a long time there speaking boldly with reliance upon the Lord, who was testifying to the word of His grace (Acts 14:3). Upon Saul of Tarsus’ conversion on the road to Damascus, Ananias was commissioned by the resurrected Christ to go to this persecutor of Christians and to lay hands on […]
ReadThere is a place you can go in the world to learn about evangelism. It is a place unlike any other I have found, where the beauty of God’s creation and the darkness of humanity’s sinfulness stand in such stark contrast to each other. It is a place where evangelism is the focus of the […]