From the Mouth of God

Trusting, Reading and Applying the Bible

Weight .7 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.4 × .45 in
ISBN 9781848712423

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


Church Life, Scripture, Spiritual Growth

Page Count




Book Description



  • Why should we believe, as Jesus did, that it is ‘the mouth of God’?
  • When did it come into existence?
  • Is it inerrant?
  • What do we need to learn in order to understand it better?
  • How does its teaching change our lives?

In From the Mouth of God, Sinclair B Ferguson answers these and other important questions about trusting, reading, and applying the Bible.

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Submit your testimonial

  1. Robert Norman

    Ferguson has written a brilliant introduction to the doctrine of inspiration. Anybody who wants to begin their investigation of this great and important doctrine.

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