Products by Format: Book
Showing 1–12 of 854 resultsSorted by latest

Behold my Servant
Sermons on Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Book Description There are few things which any parent dreads more than the thought of outliving his or her child, or grandchild. The deaths of parents, friends, relatives and even one’s spouse are terrible indeed, but the death of one’s child possesses a peculiar kind of horror. In four brief chapters, Peter Barnes draws on […]

Voices From the Past Bundle
Puritan Devotional Readings
Book Description Over the past fifty years there has been a great resurgence of interest in the writings of the Puritans. The reading of their works has brought great benefit to the people of God in many lands. Christians from many different backgrounds and cultures owe a great debt of gratitude to those faithful pastors […]

Our Daily Food
or Portions for the Lord's Household
Book Description James Smith of Cheltenham is perhaps not a name you know. If you have seen it before, it may have been in a few particular places. You may have noticed a collection of devotions called The Believer’s Daily Remembrancer, one of the few productions of his pen still more or less available. You […]

Unveiling the Cross
Beholding and Proclaiming the Whole Christ
Book Description In Unveiling the Cross, Ross Blackburn examines the Isaiah 6 vision of the Lord, ‘high and lifted up,’ in the light of New Testament revelation. Why did this encounter affect the prophet’s life so radically? What did he understand of the One on the throne? How is this ‘Day of Atonement’ scene connected […]

The Christian Race
and other sermons
Book Description When the aged J. C. Ryle announced he was to resign from the office of bishop of Liverpool, his friends encouraged him to publish a selection of sermons as a memorial to his sixty years of ministry, from country parson to diocesan bishop. The resulting selection, chosen by one of Ryle’s colleagues in […]

Pastor Terry Johnson recounts his matured understanding of the place of family relationships in God’s plan through the lens of Scripture, combining devotional, memoir, and Bible study. 168pp.

Paton Autobiography Bundle
2 Volume Set
The John and Margaret Paton Autobiography bundle contains the enthralling personal accounts of the Paton’s missionary work in the New Hebrides.

John Owen Puritan Paperback Bundle
13 Volume Set
This John Owen Puritan Paperback Bundle includes all 13 of Owen’s titles in the Puritan Paperback series—an excellent Christmas gift!

Owen’s incomparable exposition of the work of redemption as planned and executed by the Triune God. Introductory essay by J. I. Packer. 440pp.

Margaret Paton
Letters from the South Seas
John Paton’s wife gives an enthralling and inspiring account of missionary life in the New Hebrides from the 1860s to the 1890s. 344pp.

John G. Paton
The Autobiography of the Pioneer Missionary to the New Hebrides (Vanuatu)
The moving and gripping account of the life of the great pioneer missionary to the New Hebrides. 552pp.
Showing 1–12 of 854 resultsSorted by latest