Products by Format: Book
Showing 61–72 of 854 resultsSorted by latest

Puritan Paperbacks Set (Bunyan and Watson)
10 Volume Set
Book Description This 10 Volume set includes the following titles by John Bunyan and Thomas Watson. Click on a title to learn more – but be sure to add the Puritan Paperbacks Set (Bunyan and Watson) to get the Christmas special. The Jerusalem Sinner Saved The Acceptable Sacrifice Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ The […]

Cristianismo Auténtico
6 Volume Set
Book Description Este es el serie de tomos que recogen la predicación del Dr. Lloyd-Jones sobre Hechos de los Apóstoles.

Book Description Christmas, and New Year, are excellent moments to pause and reflect—as scattered families regather for the national holiday, and as the calendar turns over again, with another year gone forever. J. C. Ryle urges us – in the midst of our feasting and festivities and family reunions – to make time to consider […]

The Works of William Bridge
5 Volume Set
Book Description ‘Times of difficulty and of persecution have always been seasons in which God’s ministers shine with greatest lustre.’ These words from the memoir of Bridge contained in these collected Works of William Bridge serve to remind readers of the context in which William Bridge lived and worked. Born in Cambridgeshire around 1600, Bridge […]

Book Description Este libro cuenta la historia de la Reforma inglesa. Penetra detrás de la fachada del cambio político y actas del Parlamento, y trae a la luz el movimiento interno del Espíritu de Dios en hombres de corazón humilde y fe heroica. Su autor cree que había una mano que guiaba el timón de […]

The Gospel According to Christ’s Enemies
Unintended Statements of Saving Truth
Book Description During his earthly life Jesus had many critics and enemies who sought to discredit him and sometimes trap him in his own words. They said, for example, that he had threatened to destroy the temple, that he was a blasphemer and that he acted in league with the devil. On one occasion some […]

Refreshment for the Soul
A Year of Daily Readings from 'The Heavenly Doctor' Richard Sibbes
Book Description A pastor of forty years who has throughout his ministry found the Puritans to be a great source of spiritual encouragement, David MacKinnon presents here 366 extracts from the works of the Puritan pastor Richard Sibbes, which may be used each day of the year by readers as an aid to devotion. Each […]

Theodore Beza
The Counsellor of the French Reformation
Book Description Theodore Beza’s course of activity was, in the words of the author, ‘long and brilliant.’ He presided over the Reformed church in the French-speaking countries of Europe for many years, and was its recognized counsellor and leader in times of peril. His friendship with John Calvin, and also with the French king, Henry […]

Endorsements ‘These sermons are timeless; they are more about God than they are about Job or his suffering.’ — DEREK THOMAS Book Description The name of John Calvin (1509-1564) is justly renowned in a number of contexts. The Reformation’s greatest systematic theologian, he was also a Christian strategist and transformer of society, as his enormous […]

Book Description Translated from the French by Robert White When Calvin says he would not have spoken of election had Scripture not led the way, we need not doubt his word. He defends the doctrine with vigour because it runs as an unbroken thread through both Old and New Testaments. Like the doctrines of providence, […]

Book Description Paul’s words in Galatians 6:14, ‘Far be it for me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,’ highlight how central and personally significant the cross of Christ is to Christians. Jesus himself saw the cross as his divinely appointed destiny. As he began to experience the unimaginable agony that […]

Sermons and Addresses of George Smeaton
With Introduction & Biographical Sketch by John W. Keddie
Book Description George Smeaton (1814–1889) was for over thirty years Professor of New Testament Exegesis at New College, the Edinburgh seminary of the Free Church of Scotland. This collection comprises various printed sermons, lectures, and other shorter writings covering the whole period of his ministry and professorial work. The collection is wide-ranging in its content […]
Showing 61–72 of 854 resultsSorted by latest