Let’s Study Series
The Let’s Study Series includes biblical commentaries that are ideal for those who are leading Bible studies or family devotions. They are purposefully written for lay leaders. Each commentary reflects deeply on the biblical text in a warm and devotional manner. Some notable commentaries in this series include Ephesians by Sinclair Ferguson and the Gospel of John by Mark Johnson.
Showing 1–12 of 23 resultsSorted by latest
Book Description Throughout the centuries, the Epistle of James has proved to be an excellent refresher course in what it means to live the Christian life. It is only a few pages long. It can be read out loud in twenty minutes. It is very direct and extremely practical. Several themes run through the Letter […]
EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘Mark Johnston’s Let’s Study Colossians and Philemon is packed tight with informed insight, clear and concise summaries of otherwise complex issues, and relevant and wide-ranging application. Designed to aid Bible Study, this book should prove a first choice resource. All who follow the author’s fast-flowing argument and analysis will find their heads […]
Vamos a estudiar Hechos
Let's Study Acts
“Cada uno de los volúmenes de la serie Vamos a estudiar…debería estar presente en todo hogar cristiano que tome en serio el llegar a conocer la Palabra de Dios”. -Covenanter Witness. 461pp.
Vamos a estudiar Juan
Let's Study John
Endorsement ‘Toda la serie Vamos a estudiar…que se está desarrollando es vital para todo hogar cristiano que sinceramente quiere llegar a conocer la Palabra de Dios’. , COVENANTER WITNESS Book Description Se ha descrito el Evangelio según Juan como tan sencillo que un niño puede vadearlo, y tan profundo que un elefante puede nadar en […]
Vamos a estudiar el Apocalipsis
Let's Study Revelation
Book Description El libro del Apocalipsis es la palabra final de Dios para la Iglesia: una impactante revelación de las cosas que Él quiere que esta conozca, expresada en un lenguaje y mediante unas formas que deslumbran y a menudo sobresaltan. Tal vez por ello muchos cristianos lo encuentren intimidatorio. Derek Thomas escribe para disipar […]
Vamos a estudiar Efesios
Lets' Study Ephesians
Book Description Si Romanos es, humanamente hablando, la más impresionante de las epístolas de Pablo, entonces Efesios probablemente sea la más elegante. En la doxología que da comienzo a la epístola, las bendiciones caen en cascada sobre el lector. En sus versículos finales, el olor del campo de batalla se halla fuertemente en el aire […]
The Let’s Study series of commentaries are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims—exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside with an open Bible. A Group Study Guide is included in each volume.
The Let’s Study series of commentaries are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims—exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside with an open Bible. A Group Study Guide is included in each volume.
The Let’s Study series of commentaries are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims—exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside with an open Bible. A Group Study Guide is included in each volume.
The Let’s Study series of commentaries are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims – exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside with an open Bible. A Group Study Guide is included in each volume.
The Let’s Study series of commentaries are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims—exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside with an open Bible. A Group Study Guide is included in each volume.
The Let’s Study series of commentaries are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims—exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside with an open Bible. A Group Study Guide is included in each volume.
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