Book Reviews
I was converted some years after the death of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, so I never heard the great man preach. But his published sermons and life story have had a profound impact on my life and ministry. As a relatively new believer, I devoured his sermons on Romans[2] and Ephesians[3]. ‘The Doctor’s’ emphasis on Reformed doctrine […]
Read‘Grace tried is better than grace, and it is more than grace; it is glory in its infancy.’ (Samuel Rutherford) ‘You will never find Jesus so precious as when the world is one vast howling wilderness. Then He is like a rose blooming in the midst of the desolation, – a rock rising above the […]
ReadIn recent years there has been a revival of interest in Jonathan Edwards, the New England preacher-theologian. For many a long year his great treatises lay neglected. The Age of the Enlightenment had little time for a hell-fire preacher who taught that mankind is enslaved to sin. But the evils of the 20th century made […]
ReadThe following are links to selected blogs where comments on or reviews of Banner of Truth titles have been posted during October, 2008. The views expressed are of course those of the respective bloggers. For each title mentioned, a link is also provided to the appropriate page of the Banner online Bookstore, where orders can […]
ReadThe Banner of Truth has published Let Christ Be Magnified: Calvin’s Teaching for Today by J H Merle d’Aubigné1. A preface by the publisher introduces Merle d’Aubigné (1794-1872), the author of an extensive, thorough and eminently-readable history of the Reformation. He was greatly influenced by Robert Haldane in Geneva at a time when the theology […]
ReadThe Banner of Truth has reprinted the Letters of Thomas Chalmers, edited by William Hanna, with an introduction by Iain H Murray.1 Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847) preached and practised the graceless and Christless morality of the Moderates until his conversion after several years in the ministry. He later became the acknowledged leader of the Evangelical party […]
ReadOf all the Christian authors whose works have blessed me, Iain H. Murray’s biographical writings come top of the list. Murray’s books are written in a beautifully unadorned prose, with a respectfulness of tone for their subject which is refreshing in a world of hero destroying literature. I also love the fact that Iain H. […]
ReadThe author views the Old Testament Book of Jonah ‘not as a book about a great fish’ (seriously, does anybody?), but about God and one man in particular. He sees it as a piece of biography. That poses a stumbling block for this reviewer, who reads Jonah as humorous fiction. Ferguson finally uses the word […]
ReadThe Promise of the Future is written by Cornelis P. Venema and published by Banner of Truth (2000)1. This is arguably the most important major Reformed study in biblical eschatology since The Bible and the Future (1972), by Anthony Hoekema, a former teacher of the author, who is professor of doctrinal studies at Mid-America Reformed […]
Read‘an invaluable resource for the expository preacher . . . a landmark study for its sheer comprehensiveness and scholarship . . . immensely practical . . . this book should be on the shelf of every American preacher who is committed to the sacred task of biblical exposition’ [Logan Almy on John Carrick’s The Preaching […]
ReadThe first wave of Calvinism at the beginning of the 20th century was manifest in Princeton Seminary, in Louis Berkhof and the fledgling Christian Reformed Church and the Grand Rapids publishers, in Principal John Macleod and the Free Church and the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland, in the Strict Baptists of England, in Arthur Pink, […]
ReadAssist me to Proclaim: The Life and Hymns of Charles Wesley By John R. Tyson William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan and Cambridge, UK; 2007 356 pp, pbk, £12.99. ISBN: 978 0 80282 939 9 This biography which is based on careful research of Charles Wesley’s life helpfully brings him out from under […]
Read‘This is systematic theology at its most accessible and profitable. Step by step, Professor Ferguson leads us along the wonderful tapestry of God’s dealings with us in Christ, pointing out the details, pausing to admire the handiwork, and not ceasing to make plain that these are not boxes to be ticked as a matter of […]
Read‘ . . . should be read by all pastors, lovers of Lloyd-Jones, and those who want to understand 20th century evangelicalism and the Reformed faith in Britain and America.’ [Steve Martin on Iain H. Murray’s Lloyd-Jones: Messenger of Grace] The following are links to selected blogs where comments on or reviews of Banner of […]
ReadJohn E Marshall – Life and Writings1 is published by the Banner of Truth Trust and most of the book is taken up with a selection of papers delivered at various conferences. These papers begin with one on John Rogers, the first martyr in England during the time of Queen Mary. It ends with a […]