Book Reviews
THE NOVELS OF JAN KARON WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU READ A NOVEL WITH PAGES PEPPERED WITH PRAYERS BY THE PROTAGONIST? Many American Christians are enthusiastic about the novels of Jan Karon, and it was in the USA that we first came across them, but we obtained the Penguin boxed set of the best-selling […]
ReadOne of the many privileges of my seminary education was to sit at the feet of Dr. Cornelis P. Venema, professor of doctrinal studies at, and recently named president of, Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana. Seminary professors are really amazing phenomena. Although you hear them lecture for only three or four years, they remain […]
ReadHow many of us have ever heard of The Prayer of Jabez? Had we asked this question a year or so ago most people would have answered with an embarrassed shrug of ignorance. Bruce Wilkinson, however, the author of a popular little book of the same title, has set out to rectify that situation and […]
Read‘Grace [is] “the last best word,” the only unsullied theological word remaining in our language’ (p. 232). So writes Philip Yancey in his book What’s So Amazing About Grace? Other words, like love and charity, for instance, have all but lost their original theological meaning, but grace has managed even through years of usage in […]
ReadThe Grace and Duty of Being Spiritually Minded Declared and Practically Improved To be spiritually minded is life and peace. –Romans 8:6 Set your affection on things above. –Colossians 3:2. LONDON: 1681. Prefatory Note An Outline:– Preface Part One CHAPTER 1. The Words of the Text Explained: To be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans […]
ReadThis little book has been published to commemorate the forthcoming 500th anniversary of the birth of John Knox, the great Scottish reformer. It consists of the transcripts of two addresses given by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones in the 1960’s and a new biographical sketch written by Iain H. Murray. In the first address Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones […]
ReadAt the end of the Banner of Truth ministers’ conference in Messiah College, Grantham, Pennsylvania, on June 1, Sherman Isbell took me to Baltimore airport and on the way we called in at the Green Mount Cemetery to visit the grave of Dr J. Gresham Machen. He is buried next to his parents and his […]
ReadIn 1964 the Banner of Truth was encouraged by the Rev. J. Marcellus Kik of Silver Spring, Maryland, then an associate editor of Christianity Today, to republish Samuel Bolton‘s The True Bounds of Christian Freedom. It is a classic study of the law of God and its relationship to the Christian. This is the book’s […]
ReadThe Founders Journal is a quarterly Magazine committed to historic Southern Baptist principles and indispensable for ascertaining the reformation going on in that Convention. It is edited by Dr Tom Ascol of the Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida. In the current edition the Baptist Dr Roger Nicole, the Visiting Professor of Theology at […]
ReadA Faith Worth Sharing: A Lifetime of Conversations about Christ, by C. John Miller (Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed. 1999) This book, written by one of the more noteworthy Presbyterian evangelists of the twentieth century, was edited posthumously by Dr. Miller’s daughters, Barbara and Roseann. In an introductory note, they write: ‘These are the […]
ReadJohn Piper has written The Justification of God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 9:1-23 which is published by Baker Book House, (1993, 245 pp. paperback). In a sermon entitled ‘I Will Be Gracious to Whom I Will Be Gracious,’ John Piper confessed that when a junior in seminary, ‘Romans 9 came on me […]
ReadA Quiet Revolution; a Chronicle of Beginnings of Reformation in the Southern Baptist Convention by Ernest C. Reisinger and D. Matthew Allen, pb., n.p., Published by the Founders Press, and distributed by Christian Gospel Book Service, 107 pp. This book, written in part by the oldest of the Banner of Truth trustees, Ernest C. Reisinger, […]
ReadModern historians who are sympathetic to Roman Catholicism such as Eamon Duffy have sought to rewrite the history of the Reformation in England. They deny that Protestantism found a welcome response in the hearts of the people. They suggest that it was merely a few eccentrics and some hopeless recusants who had become Calvinists who […]
ReadThere was just one occasion on which my wife and I attended Westminster Chapel during the ministry of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones. It was on Whit Sunday in May 1965. Thus it was with the greatest interest that we noticed that in the newly published volume of sermons on the book of Acts the very sermon […]
ReadOver forty years ago the Banner of Truth reprinted John Owen‘s Death of Death in the Death of Christ. The book became instantly famous in the English-speaking world because of its introductory essay written by the youthful Dr. J. I. Packer. The book is still in print, and here are its timeless opening paragraphs: ‘The […]