Book Reviews
‘The lectures are shot through with the ready wit and wisdom of C. H. Spurgeon. . . But there is also a high seriousness in these addresses. Spurgeon’s aim was to train men to be earnest, soul-winning preachers of the Gospel. He is deeply searching in his treatment of subjects like the minister’s self watch, […]
ReadIn the preface to his book Soul-Depths & Soul-Heights: Sermons on Psalm 1301 (published by the Banner of Truth) Octavius Winslow, the popular nineteenth-century writer and preacher, tells us that he had not met with ‘any consecutive exposition of this Psalm’ other than John Owen’s. He believed that treatise ‘left room for a more simple […]
ReadI was somewhat hesitant in writing this review of John R. Muether’s Cornelius Van Til: Reformed Apologist and Churchman (CVTRAC) since I fear that you, the reader, could have devoured three-quarters of this biography of Cornelius Van Til (CVT) in the time it took you to read my review. (This assumes, among other things, the […]
Read‘Not so much a Reformer or theologian, more a preacher…there is no agonizing over hermeneutics, and comparatively little time is given to exegesis and exposition. Calvin simply reads the words off the page, providing clear direct commentary, and applies them.’ [Paul Helm on Calvin’s Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, Chapters 1-7] The following […]
ReadKevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck have written the book Why We’re Not Emergent (by two guys who should be) (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2008; 256 pp.) I start to get really nervous when I hear others speak in unqualified, glowing and glorious terms about a book or speaker. Nothing can be that good, I say to […]
ReadA review article by Os Guinness of Frank Schaeffer’s Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back [New York: Carroll & Graf, 2007], 304pp, ISBN 978-0-78671-891-7. If asked what is the deepest relationship imaginable, many […]
ReadThe following are links to some blogs where comments on or reviews of Banner of Truth titles have been posted April 11-30, 2008. The views expressed are of course those of the respective bloggers. . . For each title mentioned, a link is also provided to the appropriate page of the Banner online Bookstore, where […]
ReadOne book was destined to become a spiritual classic almost as soon as it was published. Thomas Chalmers called it ‘the best book I ever read.’ And John Owen said of it that there was more divinity in it than in all his writings. I am referring to William Guthrie’s little classic, The Christian’s Great […]
ReadA book entitled Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor: The Life and Reflections of Tom Carson has just been written by D. A. Carson, and published by Crossway Books (2008, 160 pp, pbk, $15.99, ISBN 978 1 43350 199 6). For most gospel labourers, the title of this book will need no explanation. It is the […]
ReadThe Divine Spiration of Scripture: Challenging Evangelical Perspectives by A.T.B. McGowan Apollos (an imprint of Inter-Varsity Press), 2007, 229pp. £14.99, ISBN: 978-1-84474-220-2 In this slender volume Dr. McGowan has given us much to consider. He offers historical and theological surveys: of the Enlightenment, the rise and fall of liberal theology, the influence of […]
ReadThis article provides a number of links to blogs where comments on or reviews of Banner of Truth titles have been posted. The previous article in the series was added to the website on 19 February 2008. This one covers web reviews posted since that time. The views expressed are of course those of the […]
ReadTo those of us who were blessed to be born in the latter half of the twentieth century, it seems unthinkable that there was a time when quality Reformed literature was not readily available on demand. John J. Murray’s book Catch the Vision [Evangelical Press, 2007] traces the roots of those privileges, showing the disfavour […]
ReadWhat follows is a number of links to blogs where comments on or reviews of Banner of Truth titles have been posted. The first of these articles was added to the website at the end of January 2008. This article covers web reviews posted since then. As has been stated previously, it should be noted […]
ReadA review article on Reinventing English Evangelicalism 1966-2001: A Theological and Sociological Study, by Rob Warner (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2007), which appeared in The Banner of Truth magazine, March 2008. A complaint against this reviewer’s Evangelicalism Divided1 was its incompleteness as a history of English evangelicalism in the second half of the twentieth century. The […]
ReadThis is the first in what we hope will be a regular feature in the ‘Articles’ section, where we will provide links to a selection of websites at which reviews of or comments on Banner of Truth titles have been posted. It should be noted that the views expressed are those of the respective bloggers. […]