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Web Reviews of Banner Books 2008 No. 8

Category Book Reviews
Date September 5, 2008

‘This is systematic theology at its most accessible and profitable. Step by step, Professor Ferguson leads us along the wonderful tapestry of God’s dealings with us in Christ, pointing out the details, pausing to admire the handiwork, and not ceasing to make plain that these are not boxes to be ticked as a matter of dry orthodoxy, but truths to be lived . . . this is chewed-up soteriology…made accessible for everyone . . . an outstanding doctrinal introduction, and one which should gladden the heart of every earnest child of God.’ [Jeremy Walker on Sinclair B. Ferguson’s The Christian Life]

The following are links to selected blogs where comments on or reviews of Banner of Truth titles have been posted during August, 2008. The views expressed are of course those of the respective bloggers. . .

For each title mentioned, a link is also provided to the appropriate page of the Banner online Bookstore, where orders can be placed.


Tony Reinke (Minneapolis, Minnesota) at his Miscellanies blog.

James H Grant Jr. (Memphis, Tennessee) at his In Light of the Gospel blog.

Michael A G Haykin (SBTS, Louisville, Kentucky) on his blog Historia ecclesiastica at the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies.
Terry Delaney (SBTS, Louisville, Kentucky) at the Said at Southern blog.

Tony Reinke (Minneapolis, Minnesota) at his Miscellanies blog.
Ron Reffett (Galloway, Ohio) on his Books that Matter blog.
Terry Delaney (SBTS, Louisville, Kentucky) at the Said at Southern blog. Includes brief comments on each of the titles in the series so far.

Howard Sloan (Bedford, Pennsylvania) on his Pastor Sloan blog.

Jeremy Walker (Crawley, West Sussex) on The Wanderer blog.

Eric Smith (West Tennessee) at the Shepherd of the Sheep blog.

Terry Delaney (SBTS, Louisville, Kentucky), who has been busy!, at the Said at Southern blog.

Gordon Cheng (Sydney, Australia) on The Sola Panel blog.

Matt Capps (Winston-Salem, North Carolina) at Mblog.

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