Man Overboard!

The Story of Jonah

Weight 0.164 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 13.6 × 0.8 cm
ISBN 9780851519821

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



Page Count




Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

May 31, 2008

Book Description

Jonah is not a book about a great fish! It is really a book about God, and how one man came, through painful experience, to discover the true character of the God whom he had already served in the earlier years of his life. He was to find the doctrine about God come alive in his experience. It is this combination of doctrine and experience that makes Jonah such a fascinating, instructive and practical book.

The teaching of Jonah searches our hearts and consciences in a special way because it is the story of a man who was on the run from God. It traces not only the path of his journey, but unravels the inner workings of his heart- his fears, motivations, and passing moods. Christians today still experience these ‘Jonah syndromes’.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface to the 2008 Edition ix
Introduction xi
1 All in the Past (1:1-3) 1
2 On the Run (1:1-17) 9
3 The Castaway (1:1-17) 19
4 Return Ticket (2:1-10) 29
5 Merciful Wrath (2:1-10) 37
6 The Sign of Jonah (3:1-10) 49
7 Spreading the Word (3:1-10) 57
8 Nineveh Awakened (3:1-10) 69
9 At Loggerheads (4:1-11) 77
10 Missionary Experiences (4:1-11) 85
11 God Is Love (4:1-11) 95



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