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This year sees the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of William Williams of Pantycelyn, the ‘sweet singer’ of the eighteenth century Welsh revival and pre-eminent hymn-writer of Wales. The third of the great figures of the Methodist revival after Howell Harris and Daniel Rowland, Williams is claimed by Wales as a whole to a […]
ReadSixty years ago a friend of mine was a preacher in a Reformed congregation in Grand Rapids. The practice in that congregation was that at the close of the sermon the elders stood in the front of the church and the preacher came and shook hands with each of them. Thus they showed to all […]
ReadThe links to all the 2017 US Banner Ministers’ Conference live stream videos and recorded addresses will be listed here during the conference. Go here to find live videos Go here to find all videos from the conference Conference Schedule Eastern Standard Time Thursday, June 1st 8.15am – Conference Prayer Time 9.0am – The […]
ReadGrieving, Hope and Solace is the title of a book written by Al Martin (, 116 pages, 2011). It comprises a series of sermons preached after the death of his wife Marilyn after 42 years of marriage. The author sent me a copy when I experienced a similar loss last year and I found it […]
Read“. . . I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren.” – Romans 9:2,3 Why is there so little evangelistic zeal in today’s Reformed and Evangelical church? We love to teach our great theology, especially […]
ReadJerry Bridges died in his eighty-sixth year on March 6, 2016. Once or twice I shared the speaking duties with him at a couple of conferences and enjoyed getting to know him. He wrote a little autobiography, God Took Me By the Hand, which threw light on his humble origins in the Depression years of […]
ReadTo write a brief review of these seven precious volumes seems superfluous, to say the least. When I was an incumbent in the Liverpool Diocese, 1981-1986, the Suffragan Bishop of Warrington told me that the Diocesan staff still receive letters from overseas, addressed to Bishop Ryle, despite his ‘promotion to glory’ in 1900! Our memory […]
ReadThe Banner of Truth ministers all found their way to the new venue for their Conference at Yarnfield Park Conference Centre. It is near Stoke in the Potteries and a good central destination for preachers from all over the U.K. Yarnfield is posh, not like the basic students’ residences of yesteryear in Leicester. All the […]
ReadThe only remedy for apostasy The idea that professing Christians may not be true Christians is something not easily acknowledged in the present climate of the church. One finds it even more difficult to believe that ministers, with acknowledged gifts and abilities, whose teaching may have been blessed to many, could after all be themselves […]
ReadThe links to all the 2017 UK Banner Ministers’ Conference live stream videos and recorded addresses will be listed here during the conference. Go here to find live videos Go here to find all videos from the conference Conference Schedule Monday, 24th April 5.15pm – Opening Sermon – Jeff Kingswood 8.15pm – Christ at […]
Read‘To those who reside as aliens, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who are chosen.’ -1 Peter 1:1 In 1934 German theologian Karl Hartenstein coined the term missional, what he called a living concept rooted in the Missio dei (Latin, the sending of God). Ed Stetzer (President of LifeWay Research of the Southern Baptist […]
ReadThe theme of this year’s Banner of Truth Ministers’ conference is The Living and Enduring Word of God. We thought that would be a most admirable and appropriate title for this year, the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation was essentially the recovery of the authority and sufficiency of Holy Scripture in the […]
ReadApart from the occasional mealtime conversation at a Banner of Truth Conference, to my great disadvantage, I did not really get to know John Marshall. John J Murray’s succinct, yet fulsome, biography paints a most helpful portrait indeed. I read it in one sitting (it’s only just under 70 pages) and found myself satisfactorily informed, […]
Read‘Here I stand, may God help me’ Some of the most life-changing events in the history of the church have come about due to a stand being taken by one man at a critical juncture. In this year, 2017, we are commemorating the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his Ninety-Five Theses to the door […]
ReadWho Can Have Effectual Prayers? The righteous are not people who are better than others. Except as God looks on them in favour, they have nothing. It was so with Elijah, Moses, and Paul, as we have seen. Effectual fervent prayer, therefore, is a gift and it always will be a gift – even for […]