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Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Paul declares them to be the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22, 23). The reason they appear in the life of the believer is because the Spirit is in the life of the believer. They are wholly the fruit of his gracious presence and […]
ReadThe year 2013 marked the 450th anniversary of the closing of the Council of Trent, one of the most significant series of meetings in Christian history. Here are nine things evangelicals should know about the Council and the decrees1 that it issued. 1. The Council of Trent was the most important movement of the Roman […]
ReadJohn Robert Broome, a faithful minister in the ‘Gospel Standard’ churches for many years, member of the church at Trowbridge, died on February 14th, 2013, aged 81. The first part of this obituary by his son can be found here. During this time, our father was exercised about marrying. He had to give up one […]
ReadAre you a Protestant? I do not mean do you side with the Unionists or with the Separatists in Northern Ireland? I do not mean, do you enjoy open confrontation with Roman Catholics as they go about their blasphemous and superstitious devotions at Walsingham, Knock and elsewhere? I mean, are you a Protestant in the […]
ReadTo live by faith is surely the hardest thing in the world. As Calvin put it: Our circumstances are all in opposition to the promises of God. He promises us immortality: yet we are surrounded by mortality and corruption. He declares that He accounts us just: yet we are covered with sins. He testifies that […]
ReadJohn Robert Broome, a faithful minister in the ‘Gospel Standard’ churches for many years, member of the church at Trowbridge, died on February 14th, 2013, aged 81. Our dear father was born in Bournemouth on December 6th, 1931, the second of three children of godly parents, Leonard and Helen Broome. His mother called him John […]
ReadWhy would anyone in their right mind believe the Bible, believe Jesus Christ, and believe that belonging to a Christian church was a sane and sensible thing to do? Reason 1 why you shouldn’t believe. The Bible! It is simply unbelievable. Who today in this modern, scientific, rational world believes in creation out of nothing […]
ReadThe long wait is over. The 24th Pastors’ Conference proved to be a blessed time. Once again the Lord has proven that his grace is truly sufficient. Pastors and church workers from all over the Philippines (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao) attended. The work of reformation expands each year we hold this conference. February 4, Tuesday. […]
ReadThis year marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of the great Scottish Reformer, John Knox. God not only calls men to particular tasks in his kingdom; he also equips the men he calls with the personality, gifts, and strength to do the work. So it was with John Knox, the Reformer of Scotland. John […]
ReadJesus taught his disciples how to pray, using the so-called ‘Lord’s Prayer’ as a model. Many have noted that the six petitions in the Lord’s Prayer serve as an excellent outline of how God’s people ought to seek him earnestly in prayer.1 When Jesus taught us to pray, ‘Thy kingdom come,’ what does he mean? […]
ReadChristianity teaches us to look to the past as we seek for help in the present. It has laid the foundations of our faith deep in historical events and invites us to build on those foundations all the days of our lives. As believers we unashamedly take our inspiration from days gone by confident that […]
ReadBook Review: Four Views on the Historical Adam, Matthew Barrett & Ardel B. Caneday (Eds.)[Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2013], 288 pp., paperback. Few questions are more pressing among Evangelicals today than the time and the manner in which God created the world and all life within it. Did he create the world in six literal […]
ReadI had a fellow elder in Darlington, Clifford Scurr, who often expressed the conviction that living Christianity reflected itself in people’s very faces. It was something I was occasionally struck with myself – at least by force of contrast. A duty that fell to me to fulfil from time to time was to take funerals […]
ReadI’ve just come to the end of a Sunday morning series on ‘The Five Points’. I have preached several series going through all the great doctrines of the Bible. But I’ve never wanted to pick out the five points particularly. Partly, that’s because I’m aware that some folk have emphasised them in an unhelpful way. […]
ReadMark Johnston discusses the background and importance of the Banner of Truth conferences, the Ministers’ Conference in particular, and the impact it has had on his life. Learn more about the upcoming ministers conference in the US here and UK here.